Chapter 10

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Stark Towers

9:00 am

For once Tony is up at a reasonable time in the morning.

Okay, Well, not exactly.

He didn't even go to sleep. He hasn't slept sence the boys went missing. Which was two days ago.

He was busy all night looking at Peter's and Percy's files, looking at security tapes, and porring all of his time into finding his interns, also known as his sons.

It didn't help that OwlWave and Spiderman went MIA. They were the ones who normally deal with that kind of thing.

Tony looks at the last security tape and almost faints in supprise.

On the tape it shows a man going up to Percy and Peter and knocking them out. They get loaded in a van and the van drives off.

Tony rewinds the tape and gets the license plate number and runs it against the database.

When the search results came in Tony groaned.

His sons were captured by Hydra.

Not to mention that the van was disposed of in the Amazon rainforest in Peru.

Amazon Rainforest

Hydra plant

Two days earlier

Percy and Peter, if they can, glare even harder at the two.

"You are not our siblings and you never will be." Percy spat at James and Nako.

"Now, now what would dad say about that?" Nako says.

"He doesn't even know you exist. And if he did I don't think he would give a shit about you with who you are working for. You only want revenge on him for not paying more attention to you. That is just petty." Peter says.

"Why you little... the boss needs to see you... so he needs you alive... but that doesn't mean that we can't ruff you up a bit... or maybe Peter... we should ruff up Percy, and make you watch... maybe then it would teach you to watch your mouth... both of your mouths." Nako says opening the door to Percy's cell.

Nako takes out her knife and enters the cell.

The normally calm and collected Percy is shifting into the corner. This whole experience reminded him of his childhood. With Gabe.

Nako goes closer to Percy and Peter starts yelling. "I take it back! I take it back! Don't hurt him!"

"I'm sorry little brothers. You have you learn sometime. And this is the only way how. This should teach you to watch your mouths." Nako says.

She takes her knife and runs it along Percy's face. Leaving a long cut from his temple to his chin. She turns and starts to leave the cell.

Peter's blood was boiling by this time. And then he made a stupid decision.

"Well it looks like we inherited something that you didn't, our father's mouth." Peter says seething.

Nako's rage flared once again and she walks into Percy's cell yet again. She raises her knife and plunges it to the hilt into Percy's left shoulder. Percy secreamed in pain and Peter flinches. He knows that it is his falt that his brother is in pain. She lets go of the hilt and picks up Percy by his left shoulder who screams yet again.

"Come on... James get Peter... We are taking them to the boss..."

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