Chapter 29

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They boys and Indigo walk out of the house and Jormungand turns to them.

"It would be easier if I just teleported us closer to the tower." He says. The others nod.

He snaps his fingers and then they are in an alley. Jack stumbles a bit and regains his footing. Peter leans on Indigo to keep his balance. And Percy... he just falls into a group of trash cans.

The group laugh and Jack helps him up. They walk a block to the tower and go inside. The group gets on the elevator.

"Hey Jarvis where is Loki and Thor?" Peter asks.

"They are with the other Avengers and Loki's children in the living room Mister Parker." Jarvis answers.

Peter grumbles something that sounds like 'i thought I fixed that.' The others hide a snicker.

They got off the elevator and walk in.

Everyone looks at the group in confusion except Loki. Loki gets up from his seat and walks toward the group. He surprises everyone, except Jack, Percy, Peter, and Jormungand, by going at hugging Jormungand. Witch is funny as itself because Jormungand is over a foot taller than Loki.

Thor, who figured it out not long after Loki hugged Jormungand, rushes over to his nephew and squeezes him in a tight hug. After Loki moves away of course.

Loki's other children just stand there awkwardly watching the trio. Fenrir is bouncing up and down on his heals, because he is the shortest.

Hel looks at her younger brother and sighs. She picks him up and puts him on her shoulders. Then she continues to watch the three.

Sleipnir looks a little bored and sends a mishevios smirk to Peter and Percy. They gladly return it and they elbow Jack. The four look at each other and nod in agreement.

They slip out of the room. No one even takes notice of them disappearing. 

The trio breaks apart and they look around.

"Where is Sleipnir?" Loki asks.

They all shrug and look around.

"Percy, Peter, and Jack are gone too." Jormungand says. "That isn't good. Just having those three together alone is a bad idea. It will be very bad if Sleipnir is with them."

They walk around. Jormungand steps into a room.

"Uhhh!!!!! Peter! Percy! Jack! Sleipnir! Get back here! I'm not done with you yet!"

All I can say is that it was really funny to see a Bubble Gum Pink Jormungand running around the tower.

When Percy got home his mom was waiting for him in the kitchen.

He walks in and sets his stuff down. He looks around and lets out an audible gasp.

Sitting in the kitchen is the most beautiful dog her has ever seen. (Dog in the picture at the top)

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