Chapter 11---What Is This Feeling?

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James' P.O.V.

I was so close. So close. All I wanted to do after coming home was to have a one-on-one talk with Cassidy on what happened today. I want the whole story from her because I believe whatever she will tell unlike High Pitch Rubber Duck. As much as I can, I want us to happen in a short amount of time. I love Cassidy Evans. I am not ashamed to admit it.

A bottle of cheap beer was placed in front of me and a chair was pulled out opposite of me. "So. You want me over because?" Carlos sat cross-legged on his seat. As soon as Cassidy and my mom left the house, I couldn't stay put in one place, and so I called my brother over

I loosened my tie and unbuttoned the first button of my shirt. Taking the bottle in my hands, I take a gulp of the cold liquid. "I need your advice, man. I'm screwed up."

Carlos laughs. "Advice? You're the teacher. That's your job. You teach the unlearned. Why do you need my advice?"

I'll forgive his sarcastic ways for now. "It's about Cassidy. You know more about her more than me." I finished my bottle of beer. 

"Your place looks great. Mom did a good job in finding this place."

"Don't change the subject. Now, about Cassidy."

His lips form a smirk. "What about Cassidy? Where are they by the way?"

Will he ever stop changing the subject? I mentally rolled my eyes at him. "Mom and Cass went out for wedding dress shopping."

"Are they having that 'Say Yes To the Dress' moment? Well, setting that topic aside, what help do you need?" finally!

I stood up and walked to where the fridge was and opened another bottle of beer for myself before I sat down on my seat again. "" did you get her trust so easily?" I asked straight to the point.

His brows both rose as if he wouldn't believe what I just said. "You called me all the way from work to ask me this?" he starts chuckling. This isn't a laughing matter.

"I'm damn serious, man. I don't know what else to do!"

Carlos sunk in what I just said and started thinking. "I don't know, man. Maybe the reason she is still not comfortable with you is because you became hard on her. And may I ask, when did you start aring about this arrangement? It only seemed yesterday when you said that you will find ways out of this crap."

He was right. Before I even met Cassidy, I never wanted anything attached with this arrangement. I only agreed to this because I'm saving an abused girl from the demon's hands. "...I'm in love with Cassidy."

Carlos starts clapping slowly. "Says the man whore."

"I'm damn serious about her, Carlos. I've never been like this before. For once in my life I care for someone deeply. I may have to eat my own words. This arranged marriage thing may be the best thing happening to me. I am willing to give up my career for her. She s the one that matters most now."

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