I smiled. "Thank you Mia." It was the only thing I could say, because I couldn't think of words to describe what I looked like or thought of Mia for doing this for me. We'd been in her room for a few hours now and I was kind of stiff from sitting in the same position for ages.

"You’re welcome." She told me, smiling back. "Oh and here. You can keep everything including the shoes, think of it as a birthday present from me." She handed me lime green converse that went perfectly with the dress. I put them on then stood up. I was glad she hadn't given me heels, because I had never worn heels before in my life. My overall look stunned me. Mia realised this, and her smile grew even bigger. "Come, I’ll take you to your surprise, birthday girl."

Mia once again hooked her arm through mine before leading me out of the room. We made a quick pit stop at the bathroom, we had been in that room for a long time, and she also put some perfume on me that smelled of something I couldn't quite put my finger on, but it was nice, before leading me up the stairs to the living room type place.

Mia made a lot of noise going up the stairs and opening the door, I guess it was to warn them we were coming, it made me laugh. She finally opened the door after hitting it a few times 'accidentally'.

The living room was the same except from the pile of presents on the table and everyone apart from Gabriel and Marina once again, thank god, was there. "Surprise!" They all shouted. May came running over to grab my hand, as Mia closed the door, and started pulling me towards the table of presents, which had about 5 presents on but that was a lot really, for me anyway.

Once May had gotten me seated Rob started to explain. "Seeing as it was such short notice we couldn't get you anything ourselves, but what we could do was get your birthday presents from your house." I was going to ask how, but decided not to. I couldn't believe they had done all this for me, and in such a short space of time!

"Thank you." I told them all sincerely. They all smiled back and May came and sat on my lap, which I didn't mind, I had kind of missed her in the short time she'd been away.

"You look pretty in that dress." She told me before handing me one of the presents. "Open it!" May was just as excited to see what it was as I me, which made my smile bigger.

I opened the present to find a breaking Benjamin CD, which had their song Rain on it, which happened to be my favourite song. "I'm going to have to borrow that sometime." Rob told me. I gave him a surprised look; I thought he would have preferred linkin park or something similar. "What? They're a good band, one of my favourites." He told me.

"I just didn't think you'd like this type of music." I told him before opening the next present which May handed me. I opened all of them and was happy with what I had. I had 2 CDs the one I already mentioned and a Green day one, I also had 2 sets of underwear, which I didn't show to everyone, and 2 books, which were Rising tempest by Nicole Peeler and the first book in the Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong.

Sara asked to borrow the books after me and I agreed. This was turning out to be a good birthday after all. I had just finished that thought when the door to the outside was opened and in came a pissed off Gabriel followed by Marina who was staring at me as if she was trying to kill me with her glare alone.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked all of us.

"It's Ava's birthday, so we're celebrating it." Rob told him coming to stand by my side. May stayed on my lap. I was slightly scared of what Gabriel would do but I didn't think he would try taking my oxygen away again, at least not with May so close to me. "What's your problem?"

"My problem? She's my problem." Gabriel retorted, stabbing a finger in my direction. "It's impossible for her to have any abilities, I told you all this before." He insisted.

"Couldn't this wait until tomorrow?" Rob asked. Gabriel only glared in reply. "Guess not then." He sighed. "We know for sure her Dad doesn't have any abilities but you know we couldn't find out about her mum. So her Mum probably has abilities she isn't aware of. We've been over all this." I didn't know about that, I wonder why they couldn't find out about my Mum, I’d have to ask Rob later.

"Her Mum doesn't have any abilities." Gabriel practically growled. I was starting to worry he was going to lose it again. If he tried the same thing as before and it affected May, I would go mental. That's after pushing May away and if I survived his attack.

"Oh, yeah. How'd you know that?" Rob asked, in a voice that implied he didn't think Gabriel could come up with any evidence.

"I know, because she was my Mum as well." Gabriel said, silencing everyone. If my Mum is Gabriel's mum that means we're related, but I don't see mum giving up a baby. Gabriel can't be related to me, he just can't, can he?

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