But Annabelle.

I didn't want to scare her with my violent side.

Being the way I was for the past few years, my anger got the best of me sometimes. For the first two and a half years, I got in about 3 fights a week. Some of them were just me being angry and needed to release it, so I'd start random fights. Some were provoked by other people who ticked me off. I'm not proud of it but at least it gave me some practice for what I'm going to do to these assholes.

But I didn't want to scare her though. She's obviously been hit by those bastards, which made me want to kill them more, and I didn't want her to fear me again after seeing my violent side. According to Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn, it was pretty scary. And that was coming from a group of guys who have had their share of fights.

I'd just have to do it when Annabelle wasn't around. I didn't want her to see it.

With those thoughts in mind, I threw the clump of grass I had in my hand, and stalked out of the woods to my car. I needed to head home and plan out the best way to go about this.

Those assholes were going to pay. And then after they did...

I needed to figure out how I was going to pay...




"So, how's Niall been?" Melanie asked me as she took a bite out of her ice cream.

"He's been okay, I guess." I shrugged.

It was Saturday and the two of us were sat in a cute little ice cream shop in town. She wanted to take me out as a little celebration for getting Niall back.

"He's been okay, you guess? That doesn't sound very enthusiastic." She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "Isn't this what you wanted? You have your Niall back. You should be more ecstatic."

"No, believe me, I'm over the moon to have him back, and we've been catching up and having a lot of fun. It's just that...I don't know, he seems kind of...distant. Like, we'll be laughing and talking and then he'll get quiet and looks like he's thinking hard about something. And all these emotions will flash through his eyes and I need to bring him back to reality."

"Hmmm." She tilted her head in thought. "Well, I mean, just two weeks ago he realized what he was doing to you. And only one week ago, you reunited. He probably still has a lot of guilt. He did do some pretty terrible things to you, girly."

"Mel, he doesn't just have guilt. He hates himself. I can see it. He thinks so low and horribly of himself. He thinks he's some sort of monster or evil creature. His self inflicted hate is eating away at him, and it breaks my heart. I hate seeing him so torn up. His smile hides nothing, and on top of that, he's like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. He's so angry at them and wants to kill them so bad. I'm afraid he's going to snap and get himself in trouble." I ranted.

All week at school, everyone had been hesitant to come near me. Ever since Niall's outburst at Nick, Logan and Connor, everyone had been confused and trying to figure out the sudden change in Niall. He'd been trying to hide his anger and emotions because he knew how afraid of them I am, and how I didn't want him talking about them, but I could see it there. When we hung out after school, even though we had fun and talked like old times, it felt like he was not really there. It almost felt like he was questioning too much whether he deserved to be spending quality time with me after what he did, that he was sabotaging the time spent.

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