Addition number 2

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" did you really go out to dinner with her?" I asked.

" yes I did. it was her birthday, so she asked and I said yeah, she had a couple drinks but I didn't."

" ok."

I changed and so did jack, we went to sleep.

Jacks pov

I called ryan.

" hey baby!" she said.

" don't call me that, I never had relations with you"

" I bet you wish you did though" " no I didn't ryan."

" how could you do that to my family, I already have a son, and another baby on the way! how could you be that selfish?" I told her.

" I still wish we were still together, and as soon as louise came up I knew i had compition, I knew I was going to loose you so I broke up with you."

" well that is no reason to ruin my family, move on already!"

with that I hung up the phone.

I put my hand on the side of my face and shook my head. " she needs to move on." I thought.

*7 months later*

louises pov

I am 9 months and I am so excited to see what she looks like.

a few months ago we found out that she was a girl, so we decided to name her nicole. we haven't decided on a middle name yet.

me and jack were thinking.

" what about rose?" jack said.

" mmm- no that's too common of a name." he nodded.

" amanda?" I asked.

" no I know to many people on the set named amanda."

"Angelina?" he asked

" yes! that's perfect!" I said. " Nicole Angelina Griffo"

" I like that." he said.

he walked up to me and kissed me. we kissed for a little while and then he lifted my shirt to shoe my tummy. I stroked his hand over her.

" I have to go to set I will be back." he said. " ok, love you!" I said.

" love you too" he said as he kissed me and walked out.

she is always craving chocolate cake. so I decided to make one with daniel.

we mixed the batter, " can I have it?" he asked I gave him the things on the mixer and he licked them all off.

we finally put it in the oven. we waited and then finally we ate it. it tasted so good! it was 8:00 and jack got home.

" why are you back so late?" I asked. " director wanted to perfect it a bit more."

" oh ok."

a few hours later my water broke. " JACK!! my water broke!!"

he looked nervous again, he picked me up and strapped danny in the car and then we left. I started breathing hard. my labor was painful. she was kicking all over the place and ended up getting under my rib. I let out a scream and I told jack. we were finally at the hospital. the doctors took me in right away, I guessed because of jack.

I had 10 hours of labor, then I started pushing. it hurt like hell. I pushed for an hour, then finally she was here. she was born at 9:00 in the morning.. the doctors cleaned her and then they wrapped her in a pink beanie, a pink blanket and gave her to me.

jack and daniel were able to come in the room. jack sat next to me on the bed and daniel sat in the middle. " why do you look like that mommy?" daniel asked. " because I have been trying to bring Nicole here to meet you!" I said with a smile on my face.

jack never took his eyes off her. she had greenish hazel eyes, that runs on my side. she had a button nose like jack, she had light brown hair like me and jack, and she had my color of lips and jacks shape of lips.

I held her in my arms, just watching her breath in and out. " why is she so small?" daniel asked. " she's a baby, you were like this too!" " she looks soft." he said. " you want to hold her daniel?"

" otay" he said. he held her, and kissed her slightly on the fore head. " she's you little sister."

after jack held her we left. with our new addition.

*six weeks later.*

me and jack can have sex now, but we haven't, it wasn't like this with daniel.

*two weeks later.

ugh! jack hasn't had sex with me and I am sooooooo horny.

I have tried to make advances toward him, but he won't do anything I have sat on his lap facing him, I have touched him there, I have laid him down, and got on top of him, but he just rolls me off. what's going on?

so today I had my mom watching Nicole and Daniel, and I went out to get so lingere, to see if jack would like it. I bought it, and when I got home mom left. I put daniel and nicole down, and I put it on with a silk robe over it. I home jack likes it.

jacks pov

I have been really stressed, and I haven't been wanting to do anything.

the director always is changing my script, and I always have to do everything for him.

when I get home I just want to sleep. I know louise wants me.

I like it when she tries. I would have sex with her but I like seeing her frustrated. soon, when she is at her breaking point, I will give her the best sex she will ever have, she won't be able to walk for a few days. ;)

louises pov.

jack just opened the door. I had the lights off, and he turned the dim one on, the kids were up in the 3rd floor, so they couldnt hear us.

" louise?" jack asked. I walked out of the darkness slowly. and as I walked, I took of my robe. and I walked up to him.

I put my hands around he neck, and I put one leg on his side but he put it down. he took my hands off and he said. " stop." he left me there in the dark with only the dim light on. he walked into the darkness.

I went to our couch. and I didnt know where jack was. I just sat there lazily, with my head loose, and my arms placed slopily by my sides

I sighed, a loud one, and I put my hands over my face. I started crying a little bit, and jack came out of the darkness and put his hands on the sides of me and leaned down, his face was very close to mine.

" why are you crying." he said in the sexyest voice I have ever heard, that it made me breathless. " i-i-dd" I studdered.

he giggled. his voice was so sexy, he made it deep, yet light.  he took off one of his hands, and put it inbetween my legs.  I moaned softly.

" do you want me?" he asked with a deep voice, as he stroked me.

" yes!" I said very softly. " are you sure?" he asked as he leaned and kissed my neck. I held the back of his head, and I moaned very softly.

I reached for his pants but he pushed my hand away. I let out a sigh.

he finally pulled himself out, and he was moving himself around, outside my entrance. I let out groans, I was getting pissed off, so I forcefully grabbed his thing and thrust it into me. he looked at me and laughed. " you really do want me." he said with a smile on his face.

he thrusted into me back and forth, it felt so good, I have been waiting for this for a long time. after almost all night, we fell asleep

Jack Griffo... my loveWhere stories live. Discover now