the phone call

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" oh isn't it the girl u bangs jack senseless" ryan said

" shut up your just jealous that jack chose me over you" I said with a smart attitude.

she looked at me and said, " at least I knew how to keep the relation ship without traping him with sex."

" ryan shut up, we came here to eat not argue." jack said

what really ticked me off was that she was looking at him and then she kissed him! " you b****!!" I said when I socked her in the face and got on top of her and grabbed her by her neck and socked her in the stomach and jack pulled me off and said inbetween laughs," babe! that was a nice throw down!"

" you are such a syko!" she said. " that's why you should be careful of who you mess with" I said

me and jack left and we went to my house. thats when I got the phone call.

miss adams?


your parents have been in a terrible accident and it was a fatality. your father has passed. I'm so sorry.

I started to cry. I fell on my knees and cried and jack asked me, " babe, what's wrong?!"  " my dad died in a car accident!!"

he picked me up and took me to my room and layed me down on my bed and he hugged me and I cried into his chest. he had his chin on my head. and he said, " I'll help you through this. don't worry baby."

he kissed me on the forehead. and I kissed him on the lips. " I would do anything to feel better right now."  I kissed him and we had a makeout session. then the door bell rang. I looked to see who it was and it was sam.

I immeaditly opened the door and she hugged me and said,  " I'm so sorry" we talked for an hour and she had to go home.

I wanted to find jack. I wanted to thank him for being so supportive. he was sleeping on my bed. I smiled. I slid my fingers in his hair than onto his face. he woke up a little bit. and said with a low tone, " hi baby. how are you feeling?" he said rubbing his eyes. " I'm fine." I was rubbing his hair. I sat next to him. than I realized his shirt was off. I smiled. he noticed. he kissed me and I kissed back. he took of my shirt and my pants. then you can guess what happened.

then I told him, " can you guess what tomorrow is?"I asked " your b- day! I already got your gift"

" I can't wait!"


So? did you like it? I hope so. and I am so mad because I cracked my nooks screen. well I hope you like it


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