Burgers, oh burgers.

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hey guys just wanted to give a shout out to @boovalentine for being such a great fan! and @boovalentine please keep commenting I love hearing what you have to say! luv ya!

louises pov.

I am already three weeks pregnant and I'm craving burgers for some reason... " oh my gosh jack." we were all sitting on the couch. " what babe." " I am craving burgers." he laughed. " what kind."

" a 3×3 from In n Out, with grilled onions, animal style, and fries on the side, with a iced tea." jack just looked at me wide eyed and with a smirk on his face. " all that?"  " I'm dead serious." I said.

" well let's go" he said without looking up from his phone. " mmm." I said while licking my lips. " whatss in n out?" daniel asked.

" a great burger joint." jack said still not looking up from his phone.

" who are you texting?" I asked. " the director. he keeps saying that I haven't been real attentive."

" why?" " well I haven't told them about daniel or the new baby or us married." " ugh why?" " publicity would go mad. and I dont want reporters breaking in the door." " makes sense. I would like to go to the set though." his phone went off. " well we can go now then go to in n out."

I got ready then jack was getting him and daniel ready. jack put on a grey v neck and some light blue jeans and some black on black converse on. he put a diamond co.muscle tank top on daniel with some  metal mulisha knee high shorts and black on black converse.

" fresh my man." and he and daniel pounded knuckles. I was wearing a grey v neck from forever 21 and some light blue ripped shorts from hollister with black on black converse.

" black on black converse are the thing today." jack said.

we went to set. " hi every body!" jack shouted. and there were responces. " I would to introduce you to my wife and my son louise and daniel." I was holding daniel on my hip and he whispered into my ear, " do they like us?" " I don't know."  I walked in and smiled. and daniel leaned into my neck. " its ok baby." I said to him and he started playing with my necklace. " hi louise how are you?" said kira running up to me and hugging me. " I'm good." I said quietly. then every body was really nice and started saying hello. they all went into the set living room.

" hello daniel!" diego said. " can we see him?" he asked. " sure" me and jack said in sync. I set daniel down and he just stood there. " go" I said nudging him a bit. jack was standing a bit In front of me. daniel started walking slowly, then got scared, and ran to jack and hid behind his legs staring at the crew between the opening of his legs. jack picked him up and said. " what's wrong buddy? they are really nice, they want to meet you" then daniel turned the other way and leaned on jacks neck.

" awww" everyone said I walked next to jack, and daniel climbed down from jack hip and he told us to bend down by hand motion. we both were on either side of him. " can you guys go with me?" we both smiled and took his hands and walked to them. a few minuets later daniel was having a blast with kira diego and addison. we left to go in n out and man was it good. later I called my mom because jack said that he wanted to go to dinner. she came and she was just kissing daniel, and he was getting a bit fussy. it was funny though. " bye mom thanks for watching him!" " no problem love." she replied.

I was wearing a red high low dress with red wedges and red lip stick and I brought a red umbrella because it looked like it was going to rain.

jack was wearing some knee high metal mulisha shorts with a air jorden sleeve less tank top, and his black on black converse.

he took me to a fancy place. we had one glass of white wine, and we just sat there talking for a while. " how do you feel." he asked. " with the baby and all." " I feel.. happy. it such an awesome feeling having something so valueable inside you." jack smiled. " that's what she said" " ha shut up." I said playfully. it started raining and it was 11:00 at night. " we better get back." he said. we payed and our car was parked across the street. it was pouring. and silly me I forgot I had my umbrella, so we ran holding hands and in the middle of the street he stopped. it was still pouring. " your umbrella." he said. " oh yeah!" I pulled it out and opened it. he placed his hand on the handle on top of mine. we were both under it.  and he kissed me. I lifted my leg up sort of in a ballerina stance. and he put on hand on my face and I did two.

there were popperizie. " camaras." I said relesing not far from his face. "I know. let them. the story will be cute. especially with our picture."

I smiled " I love you." and he kissed me. we ran back to the car and drove home. to our beautiful house, our beautiful son, and our fantastic life.

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