Our new baby

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Louises pov

I am now 9 months pregnant. and jack is surprised how big I am.

I'm just all belly, I only gained 4 pounds.

I always talk to Baby Daniel, and so does jack. when I'm sleeping, but sort of awake, jack always strokes my stomach, and I feel Daniel go toward jacks hand. it feels like he touches jacks hand. I always smile and so does jack. he always kisses my stomach, and feel a warm spot.

Daniel is suppose to be born on August first, and I'm nervous. " don't be just think on how wonderful Daniel is going to be when he's here with us." jack said.  " I know jack. I think we are going to be great parents. and your going to be a great father." I said.

jack kissed me and I pulled back. " you know, we are going to have to wait six weeks until we have sex, right?" I said.

" uhh.. I yeah.. pfft I totally knew that!" he said in a sarcastic tone.

" yeah ok. I can't wait for you to come out baby Daniel!" I said to my stomach. Jack lifted my shirt to reveal my tummy. he put his hand over my belly button, and kissed the top of my stomach. then Daniel kicked.

jack lifted his had slightly with his eyes wide." wow Daniel, you just want to come out don't you" I laughed amd kissed my stomach.

" I wonder who he will look like most." I said. " most likely me." jack said. " yeah I hope so." right after I said that my water broke.

" JACK MY WATER BROKE!!!" I yelled. he carried me and daniel into the car and we drove. daniel was kicking like mad. he ended up kicking me so hard what it made a thump noise. " its ok daniel, your coming out soon." I said. jack finally made it into the emergency room. than the doctor said that I had to be 10 cm for me to start pushing. within 13 hours I started pushing, and let me tell you, that is the worst pain that you can ever feel.

jack was holding my hand as I was pushing. he whispered into my ear, " think about how lovely daniel is going to be. than at that moment daniel was here.

he was crying, and I looked at him and the doctors took him, and put him in a blue beanie and blanket. jack sat on the bed with me and we gazed at daniel. he was sleeping and his skin was so soft. jack reached over and stroked daniels arms and hands. " hi Daniel" I said softly.

" hi daniel this is your daddy" jack said he was smiling the whole time.

after jack said that Daniel yawned and faced my stomach. " want to hold him jack?" I asked. jack didn't answer but reached out his hands.

jack slid his hand under daniels head, and the other under his back to pick him up than he put daniel in the basic holding position. he kissed daniel slightly on the forehead. I put my head on jacks shoulder and we watched our new baby rest.

Daniel finally opened his eyes, and he had mine and jacks eyes combine so they had a bit of hazel but mostly brown. he had jacks hair, and jacks nose. he had my pale skin, and red lips.

" hello sleepy head.." I said to Daniel as I rushed my fingers through his baby bed head. and boy did he have a lot of hair. I got a baby comb and jack did his hair. he made it look like his. jack went out and bought him a black fox riders one piece which had the white fox logo big. than we  put little black socks on him. than we put white streachy pants on him. than we put a leather jacket on him. " haha. he looks like a total bad boy." jack said as he was checking out daniel. " like father like son" I said. we left the hospital and we got home and I said. " welcome home Daniel Griffo!"

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