going away.

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Jacks Pov.

I walked into the living room with daniel. " can't you pump milk?" I asked.

she nodded and said, " yeah we could do that"  she smiled at me and grabbed daniel, and smiled at him. " how long are you going to be gone?" " 2 months. I'm going to miss you so much jack." she put daniel in his chair and she ran and hugged me.

*Day louise is leaving*

" ok I have my keys, sunglasses, wallet, suitcase, phone I should be all set." she began. " are you going to be ok with daniel? because I can cancel the trip.." she said.

" no we will be fine louise. just do good ok? this is a once in a life. time opportunity. you don't have to worry about us." she looked at me and gave me a gloomy look. " what?" I asked.,

" look I will be gone for two months. and knowing you, you are going to be desperate. I'm just worried that you'll cheat on me."

that hurt me when she said that. I would never do anything to hurt her

" I wont. I'll never do anything to hurt you..." I went up to her and hugged her. I hugged her tight and she did too. I was really sad she was leaving.

she started crying. I hugged her even tighter. " I don't want to leave you" she mumbled. she was shorter than me so I kissed her on the forehead, closing my eyes tight. she walked away from me and looked at daniel, who was staring at her reaching her hands out to her, opening and closing his fists. she laughed while she was crying. she picked him up and hugged him. she held him out and said, " ok daniel mommy is leaving now, don't give daddy a hard time ok? only do it if he doesn't feed you right away" I laughed. I took him and she walked to the door way. I held daniel on my side, and took his hand and put it in a waving motion. she waved a sad good bye and walked out. then a tear rolled down my cheek. I would miss her so much. but what if I had to go to set? who would watch daniel? I guess louises mom. I walked to the couch and sat down. I started going through my pictures on my phone. mostly all of them were of louise.

I missed her already


I had just went on the plane and I was missing my family. I looked through all my photos and I kissed my screen when I found a picture of daniel and jack. he texted me.

" hey babe!"

" hey I am on the plane!"

" oh.. I miss u already.."

" me too.. I love u jack.

" I love u 2"

5 hours later.

I finally got off the plane and walked into my studio. I got to work and designed cute dresses and shirts. my boss walked in a looked at my work. " well done louise." and he walked out. I smiled and got to work when I got a facetime from jack. I answered. " hey jack!"

" hey baby what are you working on?"

" oh just some new shirts and dresses, how's daniel?"

" he's good I only had to change him once."

" haha and how did that go?"

" ugh.. I don't like to talk about it."

" I miss you jack."

" me too." all of the sudden I heard daniel crying. " babe daniel is up I'll call you back ok?"

" ok baby love you!" " love you too!"

I continued on with my day and I went into my hotel room. I got settled in and started thinking about jack. I wished he were here right now. the room was cold and so were the sheets. " ugh!" I said aloud.

I walked out of bed and turned up the heat. I laid in my bed all alone, and went to sleep.

one month later

I woke up at six in the morning and got up and got some coffee.

I was drinking my coffee, when I got a call from my boss.

" hello"

" hello louise, we like your work and all, but we need more in a faster time, so if you could get like ten outfits done today that would be great!'

" bu-"

" ok bye"

I hung up and got ready and left. I got to my studio, and made five outfits in 5 hours. by the end of the day I had made ten outfits. my boss had come into my office and sat infront of me. " since you have spent one month here already you only have to stay one more month."

" that is amazing!" " the reason is, is that I heard that you have a baby already, and a husband. now darling, I was wondering how old you were?"

" I'm 19 years old" " and how long did you date your husband?"

" 3 years" she looked at me with wide eyes. " only three years, and when did you have your baby?"

" I had him about one month ago" " how long have you and your husband been married?'

" about one year."

" how old were you when you and your husband met?"

" I was 16 but he was 17 "

" so I'm guessing he is 20 right now?"

" yes."

" just wondering. now your day is finished. you may go to your hotel room." " thank you" I said.

I went in bed and I was thinking about jack, I was a little ( ok a lot) horny. but I started my period this week, so that may be the cause. I went to sleep waiting till next month.

*one month later*

I was packed and ready to go home! I was so excited to see daniel and jack! I ran to my car and drove to the airport! the flight was long but I finally landed. I drove my car in the drive way, and unlocked the door to see jack and daniel in the living room. I tip toed to the living room and jumped and sat on jacks lap to where I was in front of him, and my knees were on the sides of his waist.

he looked at me and smiled so big, and kissed me. we kissed so hard! it felt nice because we hadent kissed in 2 months. he kissed for a long time, and since i was on top of him I felt his boner. I started laughing. " don't worry baby you will get it later."

I got off of him and kissed a sleeping daniel. he woke up and stared at me with his wide hazel eyes. he smiled to where I could she his gums.

" haha baby you don't have any teeth!!" I kissed him on his nose and his forehead.

when the reunion was finished, it was at least 10:00 at night. jack went into the bed room and before he went in he said, " I was promised."

he went in and a followed. and he sat on the bed........

I have decided to have a little contest. I want some one to write this sex scene for me, just for all the readers I have. if you want to participate, you will message me your sex scene, and I will read it but here is what you have to do.

1. the sex scene has to be at least a whole page. or more if you wish
2. it has to be graphic and descriptive.
3.have to have proper grammer.

so I would love to read your sex scene! send me your sex scene as a personal message and I will look it over and if I like it I will say your story will be used or something like that. if I choose you, I will put your name at the bottom of the chapter. so please do this! cause I need a good sex scene! I will not make a new chapter until someone does this! so don't let the readers down! love you guys and happy writing!!


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