together forever??

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louises pov

me and jack were talking, " babe, I have something to tell you.." jack said. " yeah, what is it?" " my family has decided to move back to our hometown." " which is?" I asked, " orlando florida. I can't stop them, no matter how hard I tried, and we have packed all our stuff in our u- haul."

my heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. " y-your coming back, y-can live with us-" " babe, that sounds great its just my parents have made up their minds. I'm so sorry." he said softly. "here's your present." he said, he got me three things, he got me a necklace lock it that had out names and pictures in it. he got me a diamond bracelet, and he gave me his jacket. "  I want you to have my jacket, so you can remember me."

when he said that I burst into tears. I cried in his chest.  " I won't ever be able to move on" I said inbetween tears. in an hour, he left.

he left to orlando. my baby was gone. I always wore the things that he gave me. I still had his posters in my room I decided to text him.

(m): hey jack. how are you?

(j): hey, I'm not good. I miss you.

(m) me too. so what's our relationship status?

(j) we are still together, until we are ready to move on.

(m) wow. your already thinking about moving on?

(j) well, we are in totally in different states.

(m) can you at least tell me when u find someone?

(j) of course.

that was the conversation. I was about to make the biggest choice of

my life. I was going to fly to orlando. I told my parents, and I bought my ticket, and flew.

I landed, and I called jack, " babe, I need to talk to you." " oh hey babe, what do you need to talk about?"

" guess where I am??" " haha where baby" he asked. " I'm in orlando!!"

". that's so great! do your parents know??" " yeah, they bought me the ticket." " see you soon!" he said.

I drove up to his house and I knocked and jack answered. he picked me up and took me I'm the back yard. we made out for a whole 3 minutes.

we haven't saw eachother for a whole month. " ok you two love birds, we are going to dinner with some friends, so, bye!" said mrs.Griffo.

" bye" we said. " so, have you been hanging out with the hometown homies?" I asked

" haha, yeah, they are so much fun. do you skateboard?"he asked." uh yeah, I used to compete! and I am a pro dirt bike and quad rider. I was sponsored by fox Riders." I said.

" woah! that is so cool. let me sing for you. do you like the song... ooh! I know, its called hey there delilah by the plain white t's?"

" jack, I love that song!" he sang it and I went up to him and kissed him. when we released, " I would do anything for you.." I whispered into his ear. he exhaled, and said, " I would also. anything for you, your my life." he said.  " would you like to go to dinner today?" he asked. " I would love to." I said. "let me get changed." he followed me. " we were both getting changed, and I chose a knee red silky dress with nude heels.

he chose a white dressy shirt with some black slacks, and some black on black converse.

we both did our hair at the same time. " haha! we are like best friends! its funny that we are doing our hair together! I love that we are so close." I said

Jack Griffo... my loveWhere stories live. Discover now