Relationship status: its complicated

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when he gave me that ring I felt so special. I wanted to tackle him and kiss him. I started to cry.  after we did it. the day after he woke up early to cook me breakfast. he cooked my sunny side up, with bacon, and. 2 pieces of toast and hashbrowns.

" aww that's so sweet!!" I said " well its the least I can do." he said with a forced smile.  " what's wrong?" I said walking up to him." he stepped back, " nothing its just that I was looking threw your computer and you were talking about us and our activitys."

" what?! first of all you shouldn't be looking threw my computer! and second I didn't tell he much, and you should be flattered that I said it was good. why were you looking threw my messages? you don't trust me or something??"

" I never said that I was just looking! and why are you so protective over you computer?!" jack said

" because you don't know how much I had to work for that computer and I don't want anything to happen to it! and when you gave me this ring yesterday I thought you were going to trust me and love me!"

and with that I told him to leave and he gathered his things and left. I didn't know if we just broke up. I kept the ring. after he left I started to cry. I called samantha. she came over and I told her everything. she comforted me and told me everything would be ok. I didn't think so. I kicked him out of my house, said rude stuff and now he's gone. I have to call him.


jack: what

me: I'm sorry for what I said... you want to come back?

jack: no

me: why not?..

jack: I'm afraid of our relation ship getting hurt

I started to cry. he noticed.

jack: babe, don't cry, I shouldn't have been snooping on you computer.

me:*sniff sniff* I just want you to come over, to talk to you but I guess not..

jack: babe, I'll be there in 15. ok?

me: ok

end of conversation

I told sam that jack was coming over and she left. jack started to knock on the door, and I ran to him and once he was in my house, I'm hugged him and I started to cry, " I'm just so afraid of losing you." I said.

I have never felt so sad in my life, I wanted to hug him and never let him go. " louise, you can never lose me."he said " oh yeah, well there are millions of girls out there, who would die to meet you. I can easily be replaced."

" you stole my heart out of the millions. and that's why I gave you the ring."

I stopped crying, and I laid on my bed and turned on ' a walk to remember' jack and I ended up kissing, and by the time the movie finished  we went to bed.

Jack Griffo... my loveWhere stories live. Discover now