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They took Daniel. He was screaming and crying all the way to their car, and let me tell you, it was so painful to watch my son be taken away like that.

I looked at jack, and he was in awe. They didn't take nicole because she was too young. "We are going to get them back" I said to him. He nodded and held me close, and kissed my forehead.

"We have to go there for questioning. We are going to get our son back. I know it was Ryan who did this." He grinded his jaws, and muttered, "I'm going to get her for this,"

" pay back is going to be a bitch." I walked away from jack, and put in some sweats and a white v neck, put my hair in a bun, and didn't bother with makeup.

I called my mom and she came to watch nicole. Jack and I drove to the child protection building, and I ran inside. The people inside looked like a bunch of drug addicts, and just over all low lifes. We immediately were put into separate rooms, and questioned.

"Hello Mrs.Griffo, my name is Detective Williams, and you are obviously here because there have been reports of you abusing your children. Now, this won't take long, but these are going to be personal questions. I hope that isn't a issue?" He looked at me with one eyebrow up. I slightly nodded, for him to continue.

Detective began, "We are just going to ask you a few questions about your family history. Did you have a stable home life as a child?" I nodded,"yes. I had a relatively great childhood,"

He nodded and continued. " How long have you been with Jack Griffo?" I had to think. "Going on 2 years."

"When was the first time you had sexual intercourse with Jack?"
I angled my eyebrows, and asked, "Why exactly do you need to know this?"
"I told you Mrs.Griffo, these questions are going to be personal."
"We had sex a few days after we met." Detective widened his eyes like he was surprised. " did you get pregnant that night?" "No,"
"When did you have daniel?" " a year ago."
"How do you support yourself?" "Well, I work for Hollister co. But Jack is an actor. My mother is very wealthy, and we live in a mansion."

"Have you ever hit your children?" I pressed down on my jaw. "I have never even spanked my child for disipline reasons. He is only one, going on two!"

"I have no further questions. You may leave." I got out in a flash. Jack was waiting with Daniel in his hand.

"Let's get out of here."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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Jack Griffo... my loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz