Chapter 49 : Amari

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Today was the day of Mateo's dad funeral. He's heartbroken over this whole ordeal. He was just beginning to forgive and spin time with his dad when this all happened. I just hope this doesn't tear him down.

We were at the repass at Ms. Mariana's house. She had food out for people to eat. Mateo had gone to greet people and I was sitting on the couch with Mo.

"Amari you okay?"

"Huh, oh yeah. I'm fine these babies going crazy." I felt a sharp pain in my back.

"So how's Mateo been with everything?"

"To be honest, he's only cried once and I don't know if that's a good thing or not because he's only just started bonding with his dad just recently."

"Have you tried talking to him?"

"Yeah and he gives me short replies then changes the subject. I can't lie and say I'm not worried about him." I was rubbing my tummy to calm the pain. I been through this before and I did not feel like spending time in the hospital for them to tell me it Braxton Hicks again.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can go get Mateo."

"No I'm fine. I just need to walk around a little. I'll be fine."

"Okay." I got up and walked around the house, looking at the pictures on the wall of Mateo and his siblings when they were younger.

I wonder who the triplets would look more like? Me or Teo? I know I was having a girl and two boys and to be honest I was a little afraid. I would watch Monty but this would be different from babysitting your nephew. These babies were mine, I couldn't ship them off on anybody when I was tired of them. I had to put on my big girl panties and be a mommy.

"Amari. You have to try these tamales. They are so good. You okay." Mo walked over with a plate of food. Sucking on her fingers.

"Yeah I'm fin... Oh my God that hurt so bad." This pain was so intense.

"I'm getting Mateo." She rushed off with the plate still in her hand. Her greedy ass.

"Okay." That's all could say, I slightly bend over to try and subdue the pain, but it wasn't working.

"Mami? What wrong?" Mateo walked over and put his hand on my back slightly rubbing. I stood up and looked up at him.

"Teo, I don't feel g..."  A gush of fluid fell on Mateo shoes.

"Oh my gosh your water broke." Mo said from behind me.

"I'm so sorry. It's all over your brand new shoes."

"Forget about the shoes. Let's get you to the hospital. Hold on to me and I can walk you to the car." I was so surprised he didn't get mad because before I was pregnant I accidentally stepped on his shoes he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

"Okay." I grabbed his hand and we walked out to the car. I just hope these babies don't come right now because I didn't want to have them in the car. My bag was in the trunk because my doctor said the babies could come any day after my last hospital visit. I was eight and a half months. It was suspected that I wouldn't make it to the full nine months because I was having multiples.

We got to the hospital in record time. My contractions by now was ten minutes apart. I was already scheduled for a C-section and I was terrified. Now I didn't know what was bout to happen.

I was wheeled in the back to change and be checked. My doctor was here already here. Mateo was in the hall.

"Hi Amari. How are you?"

"In pain, Terrified."

"Don't be scared. In a little while you'll have your babies. How exciting." Yeah for you hoe. You not pushing out no babies or getting cut for it, you happy heffa. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. This is the game plan. Emergency C-section. Seems like they are ready to come and now."


"Not right now, my team is getting together, but in the next five minutes, these babies are being born."

"Wait. What? Can you get Mateo."

"Sure." She went out in the hall and Mateo walked in.

"You okay Mami?"

"They're making me have a emergency C-section. I'm scared. It's major surgery."

"Don't be scared. In the next few hours you'll have our babies and you being scared would be a thing of the past. You be looking down a three little ones."

"Okay, you're right."

"Time to go Mrs. Herrera." She walked in along with other people unlocking my bed and getting ready to wheel me out the room.

"I love you Amari."

"I love you too Mateo." I was wheeled out the door behind more doors. I was so nervous. I looked over the side of the bed and saw Mateo looking on. I wanted to cry, I didn't cry much in my life. I barely saw people around me cry or show much emotion, so I built up that wall around emotion.

"So this is exciting." She was still being overly exciting. The Anesthesiologist walked over and started messing with nozzles.

"That's easy for you to say. What's he doing over there."

"This is going to help with the pain." The anesthesiologist finally turned around with a mask and walked over towards me.

"What, can we talk about this? I'm not stupid, y'all trying to put me to sleep." I was already strapped to the table. So I couldn't really move.

"It's okay, Amari we'll take good care of you and your babies. Next time you walked up. You'll be a mother." He placed the mask over my face. Of course I was trying to move away from it, but dude was a professional. Either way I moved my head he went with me.

"Wait, I wasn't rea..." It finally hit me and I was out.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!!!! 💋💋💋

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