Chapter 6: Mateo

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Different emotions filled me up, one moment I was calling her name for her to return, the next I was looking at the hole in the wall. The pain radiated up my arm from my knuckles. Shit was crazy and not how I expected when we moved into the room. We went from kissing and almost fucking to dissing and ducking, at least from her end.

A part of me wanted to chase after her and throw her over my shoulder like a caveman, while the other part wanted to call it a lost and move on to the next one. Possibly one I knew I was definitely going to get. I know I probably sound like a dick for saying this, but I was expecting Mari to fall for game, but instead I got played. Maybe this was the universe's way of getting me back for all those broken hearts I left behind. I finally get how I made the other women I messed with feel, and it didn't feel that well.

The selfish part of me didn't want to give up, I wanted to win this little game between us. I did have genuine feelings for her, because she wasn't like other women. She was untainted and on the inside she was a amazing women. Not to mention mami was gorgeous beyond belief.

After thinking for awhile, I knew one thing for sure. I'm not giving up. She had another thing coming if she thinks she can go about and date someone else and I was going to take it laying down. I decided to go downstairs and check to see if she did leave or went back to camcorder.

I went down to the party and checked the whole pool area, I looked over to see if she was with that guy cashew. I saw the top of a girls head and she was kissing cameo, my heart dropped, until she turned around and it wasn't Mari. I breathe a sigh of relief and felt better that she left after I pleaded with her not to go back to him. The guy was a sleeze ball.

I spotted Hakeem with his arm around some blonde chick with a small baby bump. She and Hakeem was expecting a baby girl in 4 months and Hakeem was excited.

"Yo, you came, when did you get here?" He asked me.

"About an hour ago, but I'm heading out." I said back.

"Damn, did you have a good time, I see you had a little smoky smoke, cause your forehead got that big ass vein in the middle." I rubbed my fist thinking back on what happened upstairs.

"Yep, just a little. I'm about to find De and head out." I said and we dapped and left.

"Yo De, I'm leaving so If you want that ride you better come on." I told him once I found him.

"I'm coming." He got up and left the small table of people. We headed back to campus.

"So did you see Mari all over ole dude?" He said and I instantly got irritated all over again.

"It's Amari!" I told him.


"You said Mari and I'm the only one that calls her Mari, it's Amari to you."

"Damn, nigga, is it that deep?" I just looked at him.

"Fine. Amari."

"Yep I did and it pissed me off cause I couldn't do nothing about it." I told him and sat on the couch.

"Man, I would of walk over there and said, 'yo homie imma need you to back off my lil shorty or imma have to play catch with my hands all on yah face.' then pull ole shorty to me and took her upstairs and gave her that black Mambo. You know if I was a stripper that would be my stripper name."

"For one I wouldn't do tha..."

"I forgot you ain't bout that life."

"You not bout that life either, remember you was gonna joined that gang and end up pissing your pants and the whole neighborhood found out and you was the laughing stock of the building, until sister girl from the fifth floor got pregnant and the whole building didn't know if they was the daddy or not." I told him reminding him.

"Don't bring that shit up and is it that serious with Amari?"

"Yes, I really like her but she friend zoned me today." I told him and this guy just smiles.

"Yo I'm in there, I told yo ass she didn't like Mexicans." He rubbed his hands together and licked his lips.

"I'm not Mexican and I wish the fuck you would try because you a friend, you should know bro code, you not fucking with her

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"I'm not Mexican and I wish the fuck you would try because you a friend, you should know bro code, you not fucking with her."

"I can fix that tho, we not friends no more just roommates. Now I can get at her." He said.

"I'm just playing nigga going red and shit. You really feeling her that much."

"Yes and I'm in the friend zone. How do I get out?"

"Sorry to tell you but I can't help you, I'm still in the friend zone with a couple girls, they still see me as the goofy guy that they can't take serious and when I try to tell them how I feel they think a nigga joking." He tells me.

"Damn, that sucks."

"I'm kidding." He started laughing.

"See you play too much."

"But for real, I hear it's hard as hell to get out the friend zone, that's why I don't have girls that are friends. Once y'all become friends and hopefully you don't develop feelings, but if you do you stuck because ole girl keep turning you down."

"Damn. So no hope for me then."

"Not necessarily, I see how she looks at you back. She got some feelings but she fighting it for some reason. If you work at it you can break down them walls and with that being said. I'm going to bed. Maybe call Masika." He pulled out his phone and begin walking to his room.

"Dang De, I don't know you could be this serious."

"Me neither, but imma blame it on the Ah ah ah alcohol."

"And I ain't forget yo ass whining either." He said and open his door, bringing his phone to his ear.

"Yo, Maskia, what you wearing?" He said before he closed the door.

He did give me some good advise, but what was she fighting and why did she have her walls up. Hopefully, I could bring them down and once I get that opening, I'm going for it.


Future Wifey 💍: I hope you aren't still mad at me.😥 I'm just going through  some things right now and I don't want to lose you. 🤗 I'll see you Monday when school starts. GN handsome. 😍

Me: I get it, but if you ever want​ to talk, I'm all ears.👂No I'm not mad, you can't force someone to feel how you do, but I don't regret anything I've said.😊 Night Beautiful. 😘
A/N: Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading!!!! 💋💋💋

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