Chapter 21: Amari

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I felt like somebody was staring at me.

"It's rude to stare you know."

"I can't help it, you're so cute when you're sleep, morning breath and everything." I looked over to see Mateo laying in bed with me and his head propped up in the palm of his hand.

"For real?" I tried to breathe in my hand to check.

"I'm kidding."

"I'm getting up anyway to get ready." I got out the bed, grab my robe and walked to the bathroom.

"You got welts all over your ass." He leaned against the door frame.

"I wonder why?" I put my hair in a bun so I could wash my face, brush my teeth, and do my makeup.

"You liked it tho, 'don't stop papi.' you encouraged it."

"I don't even sound like that." I was doing my brows.

"Where you going, looking all pretty?"

"I didn't even beat my face yet."

"So, that wouldn't stop anybody from trying to holla."

"Fine, then I'll go out just like this, it's too cold for makeup anyways." I closed my makeup bag and walked to the shower.

"So you going to tell me where you going?"

"I'm going home to see my mommy." I was so excited.

"Oh that's nice, I bet you happy."

"Understatement, you want to go and meet my mom." I asked then looked back and he had a worried look on his face.

"My dad won't be there just my mom will." I said then dropped my robe.


"So you just going to stand there or come join me?" I smirked and got in. Few seconds later Mateo got in and let's just say our bodies wasn't the only thing that got wet.

It was my hair. He found a cup and threw water on me. I'm so glad I didn't do my face or I would have been mad as hell. I had to blow dry and straighten my hair again.

Amari Hair and face

Amari Hair and face

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Amari's Clothes

Amari's Clothes

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