Chapter 26: Mateo

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Today me and Amari have been together for 2 and a half years and I was going to surprise her today, by going to her place. We got to leave class early, because the teacher had a emergency. So I was on my way to mami.

As I was driving to Mari's, I drove past a flower stand and pulled over and brought some Orchids, Mari's favorite flower. I knew she would be surprised because I didn't tell her I was coming over or that I was bringing her flowers. I had her gift in my pocket and was ready for tonight.

I was going to propose. I knew she was the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I had my mamà help me pick out the ring. I would of asked Monaé but she would of blabbed and told Amari before I could of had the chance to propose.

I never felt this way for a girl before or even been in a relationship this long to think about getting married but Mari was worth it.

"Hey Mark." I greeted the doorman.

"Hello Mateo, going up to see Ms. banks?"

"Yeah, she's up there? I'm going up to surprise her." I held up the flowers I had.

"How nice, she should still be up there." He said and I waved bye and walked to the elevator.

I hit the top floor and rode it all the way up. Once it dinged and opened I walked down the hall and I could see a couple hugged up against the door.

It was once I got closer I could see it was Amari and her neighbor. I even saw him kiss her forehead.

"Mari, what's going on?" I was trying to hold my anger in.

"Hey man, see you later Amari." Paris said and walked next door to his apartment.

"Teo, it's not what you think." Mari said.

"Then what am I supposed to think huh? Is that why he's always asking about you and where you are all the time?"

"No, I would never cheat on you. It's just an misunderstanding, I promise."

"Then you want to tell me what's going on then?"

"I can't, look let's just forget that happened and go inside." She reached out to me, but I pulled away.

"Why am I not surprised, another secret, that I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I don't even know you anymore Mari."

"You do know me, I'm the same girl you been knowing, Mateo I love you."

"Are you Amari? You know everything about me and I feel like I don't know anything about you. I try and try to give you time to open up on your own to me, but I feel like at this rate you never will."

"Mateo, I'm trying to protect you. If you know too much, you can get hurt."

"Don't you think I can protect my fucking self?"

"It's not that, If anything happened to you, I don't think I would be able to live with myself. Knowing that I was the reason you got hurt or even worse."

"I understand that Mari, but the secrets are driving me crazy, the woman I love, I don't know her. I can't get closer to you or understand you if you won't let me. Help me understand you more, please."

"I...I want to. I just can't. I'm sorry Mateo, I hope you understand." I was pissed. Yet again she pushes me away. I'm tired of it. You would think after 2 years she would open up and tell me what she's hiding but she still won't tell me.

"I'm done Amari. You won't tell me what's going on. I'm done."

"Mateo, are you serious?"

"Dead, I'm giving you 5 seconds to tell me or I'm walking away for good." She started to say something, but she closed her mouth.

"Bet, I'm done Amari."

"Mateo." I hand her the flowers and walk away. As I did I could hear her cry and call out to me, but I had to hold on strong. I was sick of the secrets. I knew what I did was best for me and my sanity and if I continued holding on to false hope, I would only resent it later on in life.

As I walked out to the car. I looked up and saw Mari looking out the window with tears in her eyes. I almost ran back inside and back up to her, but I didn't. I just got in my car and drove to my mom's house.

"Mijo?" My mom pulled me in a hug.

"I would have thought you would be gone all day." My mom said and we sat on the couch and I told her everything that happened.

"Maybe there is a reason she is holding all the secrets. Like she said, she was protecting you."

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side."

"I am, it's just since you and her started dating, you have been so happy, possibly the happiest I've ever seen you and not to mention I was hoping for a daughter in law and nietos (grandkids) soon."


"I love you Mijo, and I support any decisions you make and I'll even make tamales, your favorite." I smiled and walked into the kitchen with my mom.

I decided to stay the night with my mom, because I bet Amari probably told Monaé about us and she told De and he would bombard me with questions and try to get us back together. I just needed a night to relax at home by myself, but that didn't help because I kept dreaming about Amari.

I woke the next day, feeling horrible, I didn't get any sleep. I went to put my clothes last night in the hamper and when I did the ring I was going to give her fell out.

I picked it and open the ring box and there was the Asscher cut engagement ring. Amari's dream ring, we talked about everything. Suddenly it hit me, we were over and I broke down.
A/N: Hey y'all don't hate me. If you don't, you might for the next few chapters. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!!!! 💋💋💋

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