Chapter 24: Mateo

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Everything's been going good with me and Mari but I feel like she's hiding something from me, but I trust her. In a relationship you got to have trust. So I'll wait til she's ready.

We were embraced in each other. Reeling in from yesterday's events. I still couldn't believe, me and Mari made love. She was truly the girl of my dreams.

She snuggled into my side about two in the morning and hasn't let go yet. I would shift and she would move too.

It was Christmas morning and I had to go home to see my family or I wouldn't live to see next Christmas

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It was Christmas morning and I had to go home to see my family or I wouldn't live to see next Christmas. My mom would kill me. She was a little crazy Cuban woman and you didn't want to piss her off.

I finally broke away from Mari and she woke up.

"Where you going?"

"Home, it's Christmas and I was supposed to go home last night but a little minx kept me here." I started getting out the bed when she pulled me back.

"A little longer, please." She said against my lips.

"Fuck it." I said and she pulled the blanket back over our heads.

" I said and she pulled the blanket back over our heads

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Forty five minutes later

I pulled out and laid on my back.

"I really got to go now." I said and she pouted her lips.

"Do you have too?" I was getting dressed.

"Yeah, but I'll be back later for the party." Mo and Mari was having a party and had people put on the list just for the night.

"Fine, you better." She got off the bed still naked and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me one last time before she got back in the bed.

"You can stay like that until I get back."

"You wish, bye papi." I laughed and walked out. Monaé was at the bar eating cereal.

"Hey hey, you still here Dre been left."

"Yeah, I would have left but your sister was trying to kidnap me."

"But forreal don't tell her I said that she would kill my ass." I said.

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