Chapter 18: Mateo

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"Can I come in?" Monaé asked clutching her bags.

"Yeah, come in." Mari opened the door wider for her to come in.

She walked in and we all headed to the couch. Andre sat on one end and I sat on the other with Mari sitting on my lap and Monaé in the middle. Dre pulled Monaé into a hug to comfort her.

"Thanks guys for letting me in."

"What happened? Did he kick you out too?" Mari asked Monaé

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"What happened? Did he kick you out too?" Mari asked Monaé.

"No I left, dad had gotten even more strict since you got kicked out, making the bodyguards follow me to and from school, that's why I haven't been able to come over after class."

"Well you're welcomed to stay here." I said.

"Thanks, it's getting late, I'll explain more in the morning, am I sleeping on the couch?" Monaé asked.

"No, I'm actually sleeping on the couch." I looked at Mari when she said that and she just winked at me.

"Then where am I going to sleep?" Monaé sighed.

"You can crash with Andre." Oh I get it now. She was trying to hook De and Monaé together.

"I guess. Come on Dre." She and De left to his room. He turned back to us and smacked the air.

"Well night Mo." Me and Mari went to my room to go back to sleep. I pulled her to me and we slept like that all night.

Monaé, Mari, De and I got up the next day to continue our conversation.

"I waited til everybody went to sleep and snuck out. I had a Lyft meet me at the end of the neighborhood and the rest is history." Monaé explain how she got away and came here last night.

"You do know he going to have a manhunt for that ass right?" Mari said.

"Yeah, yeah, that's why I made sure to not take my car and to leave all my cards and have cash and by the way this is yours." She handed Mari a wad of cash.

"Bitch? How much is this?"

"Not a lot, a couple thousand. I think twenty five thousand."

"Elizabeth, I'm coming." De clutches his chest.

"Are you crazy? Twenty five thousand? He definitely coming to search for y'all and he's going to think we kidnapped y'all and kill us. Y'all got to go." I said and pointed to the door.

"As if. This is pocket change to my dad and Dre shut up Redd." Monaé said like this was normal just to have twenty five thousand just around. What the hell did her folks do to have this much money? Mari said her dad was a business man and her mom is a lawyer, but I don't know man. It's kind of makes me nervous.

"Come on Mateo, let's go to the store and get some groceries." Mari pulled me with her and I was still in shock. We got our things and when to the store.

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