Chapter 11: Amari

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"Good morning Amari." Ms. Bea said.

"Uhhh...good morning, my head." I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm okay. My head is just killing me." I said holding my head.

"That's what Monaé said. Must be a head cold going around." Ms. Bea said.

"Yeah might be. you have some medicine." I asked her. I was not about to confess to be hungover.

"Monaé, has it." I nodded.

"Okay, I'mma go and get it from Monaé." I said.

"Okay hurry back, breakfast is soon." She said.

Then I left to Monaé room and she was in the bathroom, leaning over the toilet. I walk over to her and pulled her braids back and rubbed her back.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Do it look like I'm okay?"

"Well damn."

"I'm sorry I'm hungover as hell and my stomach fucked up." She said and got up from the floor.

I gave her some water and a rag.

"It's okay, do you have the Ibuprofen and can I have some?" I said and she went to her room to her night stand and tossed me the bottle and sat on the bed. I sat beside her.

"Is this what a hangover feels like and if it's like this, I'm never drinking again." I whispered to her.

"Yep and I said that plenty of times and still drink." We lightly chuckled.

"And my cycle came this morning on top of that

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"And my cycle came this morning on top of that." I said.

"What? You started today?" She said. Monaé and I always shared the same cycle. We were really close growing up, so our cycles linked up.

"Yeah so I feel gross." I said.

"Omg...Amari I'm not on mine. What if I'm pregnant and with that bastards baby." She said and lean back on her bed.

"You don't know that, you can be just stressed out." I said.

"I can't believe this." She said.

"You probably not even pregnant. We'll just wait for a few days and see. I doubt you pregnant anyways." I said trying to comfort her. I just pray that she isn't pregnant by that bigamist.

"Girls breakfast ready, we waiting for you." Ms. Bea said.

"Come on before they send somebody in to find us." We both got up and went into the kitchen to eat breakfast together.

After breakfast, we headed to campus and the parking lot was empty. Except for a few cars. I looked at my phone to see the time, I was pretty sure we wasn't early. I hit the home button but it was dead. I grabbed my car charger and turned my phone on and I saw the email, that school was cancelled, due to the light again.

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