Lights started to form around me. There were lines that connects with the successors, and the Vesarius brothers. When a line touches Elijah's body, it began to regenerate and he woke up.

The light around me starts to form a portal. And it takes a minute before creating a loop!

"Kill her!." Gregori announced.

The Dementria's sent their move to me. They lunged on me but because of the circle around me, they began turning into ashes before they even lay a hand on me.

The other Dementria's saw the possible outcome if they continued so they choose to stay where they are floating. When they saw the other prisoners outside, I put a large barrier around them. Completely saving them from the possible wrath of Dementria's.

"What are you doing, human?." Gregori exclaimed.

Instead of answering them, I talked to them through our Mana link.

Let's go! There's a portal here! We gotta move! I said.

The portal is almost finish.

Zeus aimed his staff towards his father while walking to the circle I made, behind the portal. The others draught towards me. Ulysses helped the other prisoners get inside the circle.

"No!." Gregori yelled as he tried walking towards us.

The barrier became more powerful, just in time that Elijah came inside the circle with Remus helping him. Limp as tired. His clothes are torned and he looked devastated for what happened.

He helped the barrier to become more strong.

Zeus draught somewhere and later on, he's carrying Trevor's body on his arm. I watched him tearfully. Before I could cry again, I raised my hand towards Gregori.

I slowly strangled him up as he tries throwing some fireballs on our barrier. But that didn't work.

I gritted my teeth as I tighten his strangle and almost killing him.

I looked at the successors, and just as their eyes looks so sad and scared while looking at their father, almost dying, I stopped. Even if he's our enemy, I don't have the right to kill him.

Gregori fell on the ground just on time that the portal started to swallowed some of us in.

"Lorietta, let's go." Zeus called me.

I nodded at him and held Trevor's hand.

"Let's go."

We all drifted inside the portal and I just let my body fall down with tears escaping my eyes. Their voices were curling around and someone calling someone, someone talking to someone.

You've done enough. Rest, my child. A voice said and suddenly, I fallen asleep.

For the first time, it was a good thing to wake up. Just the few seconds of it. Reminding me that all of it was just a dream. That Agartha didn't really exist. Zeus and others were just a product of my imagination.

And this tight feeling is just a part of my dream.

The Centaurs registered first in my eyes. Proving, this is the reality. I'm bound to save the world, to save humankind and Agartha. Even if it kills me.

Journey To Agartha Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora