Chapter 12: "Ninja"

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Chapter 12: “Ninja”


Heechul sat up in his seat and pouted, “It wasn’t me this time…I swear!”

Minho felt a vibration in his back pocket and quickly pulled out his phone to find a text message. “Guys…,” he slowly said, still reading the shocking news on his screen, “I just got a text from Sunny. There’s a huge snow storm heading this way.”

“Well, that explains the lights,” Seungho said, trying to remove the death grip Kalyn had on his arm, “Kalyn, your nails are hurting me…”

She quickly pulled back and accidently stabbed Donghae in the back with her elbow. “Crap! Sorry!”

“True, but we have other problems besides the lights,” Minho announced, trying to pull attention away from Kalyn and her accident.

“What do you mean?” Maddie asked, growing even more worried.

“All the roads are closed off and they’re demanding that everyone remains indoors until the blizzard is over,” Minho read out loud from Sunny’s text. He closed the message and continued, “Plus if the electricity is down, then so is the heat which means we can possibly freeze to death.”

“Oh god,” Maddie whimpered, burying her face into Jonghyun’s shoulder.

“Hey, quit scaring everyone,” Jonghyun ordered, gently laying a supportive hand on Maddie’s back.

Minho opened his flashlight app up and shined it upwards so it could light up some of the room. “Just keeping it real.”

After rubbing Donghae’s back so that she was sure that he felt better, Kalyn stood up and turned her phone light on as well. “Look, we can all just sleep here for the night. We can also light up candles and fireplace for sources of light and heat. So no one is going to freeze to death. Got it?”

Stephanie dropped the mic and tried to step forward, but ended up walking into someone. “Sorry,” she quickly apologized, gripping his shoulder to keep herself from walking into whoever he was again.

“Jeez, watch where you’re going,” the most annoying guy teased.

Stephanie instantly frowned to find out it was Key she walked into and punched his shoulder. “Baka…” she mumbled, turning the other way towards Minho’s phone.

“Okay, let’s split up and get ready for this storm,” Kalyn announced.

“I’ll get the candles!” Onew enthusiastically offered, starting to walk somewhere, but instantly fell over someone’s feet.

“Um, how about you stay put,” Kalyn suggested, “We don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

Or someone else…, she mentally added on.

“So Minho, go call our managers and tell them that everyone is safe and that we’ll all be back tomorrow,” Stephanie ordered, taking a lead on this situation.

As Minho left, taking his phone with him, many others took out their phones and lit the room up way more now. “Maddie, G.O, Donghae, and Max… You guys go and try to find candles we can put around here.”

That group left as Stephanie ordered another group. “Kalyn, Joon, Eunhyuk, and Jaejoong… You guys stay here and move the furniture so we can all sleep down here.”

Stephanie directed her attention to another part of the crowd. “Jonghyun, Seungho, JoKwon, and Xiah… Uh, you all can start the fire in the fireplace. The matches should be in the kitchen.”

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