t w e n t y - n i n e

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Train p.o.v.

I sighed. Drinking alone...check.. Sad...check...bored...check. I'm so exhausted.

    I noticed the kid who if I remembered correctly was John Laurens. I groaned. He doesn't hate me because he has good reason to, it's because his boyfriend said to. "Oh hey Jeffershit." He greeted with a cocky attitude. "Can you like not talk to me? Shouldn't you be off sucking some Caribbean dick somewhere?" John rolled his eyes.

    "What are you even doing down here? Party's upstairs." John questioned. I destroyed my rep why not even further? "Just really lonely." John stepped closer to me. "Don't you have like hella bitches?" I shrugged. "I'm just lonely. I wish I knew how to let my damn guard down." John stood in front of me.

John Laurens p.o.v.

    This isn't the Thomas I was warned about, he's a pretty chill and laid back guy. Even though I'm pretty sure he's wasted but still I'm gaining a liking to him. "Why are You lonely? Don't you have James or whatever?" He sniffled "Yeah but I still don't...I just feel like he doesn't need me. Or want me to take it a step further." He REALLY isn't the person everyone says he is.

"Hey, I get that. I know that you might feel like that but I see how safe he looks when he's around you, I'm sure that you're doing your just fine." I explained, placing a hand on his shoulder. This is really gay. "Y'know, you aren't half bad Laurens." I nodded. "Neither are you."

Time skip

   I sat on my phone by Alexander, he had his arm around me while talking to Eliza about something, we had literally just finished saying goodbye to everyone. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. "I'm gonna go outside for a bit." I walked outside, I catch a glimpse of James and Thomas sitting on the curb. James was on his phone. I walked over to the duo. "You guys good?" James yawned. "He's drunk and I'm too tired to drive so I'm calling our..." He looked at Thomas for the word.

  "Step Dad?" James looked back up at me. I nodded "do you guys want me to drive you?" I suggested James sighed. "What's with you today?" He stood up and waved a hand in my face. "Are you high?" I looked at him confused. "No? I don't think at least, Thomas did you drug my drink?" I asked in a joking manner he shook his head. "We practically signed a verbal peace treedy." He said slurring his words. "When?" James asked looking at the two of us. I shrugged "Downstairs. We-" Thomas cut me off. "Don't you fuckin' dare."  I nodded. "Never-mind." James sighed.

  "You better get going before your puppeteer sees you talking to us." I sighed. People get me all wrong just because I hang out with Alexander. It. Sucks. "I don't care about him. You sure you guys don't just want me to drive you home?"

   James shook his head. "I've got him on the phone." I nodded. "I'll speak to you two later." I strutted off.

Tom p.o.v.

  I've got a problem, if I so much as lock eyes with James I swear to fucking god I will lose all control. I heard footsteps behind me before a voice. "Thomas, are you okay? You look out of it." I shrugged before standing up and looking at the ground. "Alright. Let's go!"

Time skip

  I walked into the house quickly making my way to the bedroom and going laying down. James sighed and climbed into bed. "What's wrong?" I asked staring at the ceiling with a blank tone.

  "Nothing, but I should be asking you the exact same question." I sighed. I hesitated but got on top of him. "What are you doing?" He asked a confused tone. "I can't resist." I kissed him roughly, I had sobered up a ton on the way over here. James pushed me away. "Tommy, it's not that I don't want to, believe me I really really want to just let you do what you want but you aren't thinking clearly." I sighed and nodded before laying back down.

   "You stopped?" James said astonished. I shrugged. "I don't to anything without consent. If you don't want it I don't give it." I closed my eyes. "I just...I've said no so many times and every time you just stop dead in your tracks." I nodded. "I get no satisfaction out of the idea of non-consensual sex. It's like the least sexy thing I can think of."

  I explained still looking at the ceiling. James cuddled up to me. "I just...I've never had anyone do that before.." I raised an eyebrow. "What? Listen to your input? It's a mutual thing, I'll do a lot of things but I will never hurt you like that." James smiled. "I just have one request..?" he hummed "Lay with me. Just be with me, stay with me and love me. I feel extremely handsome and sexy and happy when I'm around you and I feel powerful, like without you I'm incomplete, like I'm nothing. Y'know when I'm happy? for about five seconds in the morning before I realize who I am, what i stand for and who my parents are. But then i see you and I feel like all of that goes away, You genuinely make me smile." James sniffled. "Are you getting sick sugar?" he shook his head. "I'm just so in love with you." I smiled.

    "Let's go to France together. Just put college somewhere in the future. That doesn't matter, we'll figure it out later but I want to run away to France for the summer and I just cannot bear to do it without you." I ranted. James nodded. "I'd like that. I've always wanted to visit your summer-home in France." I nodded. "Just you, me and Paris." James nodded. "I honestly don't think I could ask for anything better than that. Than you for gods sake." I nodded. "Me, You and Pairs. No problems no Reynolds, no school. Just the two of us."

Peculiarity(JeffMads/Modern AU)REVAMPING ❌Where stories live. Discover now