t w e n t y - f o u r

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   After a day of self grooming I dug out a suit jacket I had stashed in the back of my closet. I cleaned the guest bedroom and moved everything out of it. I had Jemmy back now all I had to do was keep him. I sat on the banister and pushed myself down landing at the bottom. James stood there awkwardly "Hey sexy." I said with a smirk.

  James rolled his eyes "You must be looking at your reflection on something." I laughed and jumped down. I put my arms around his waist. "Is it okay if I do this?" He nodded. I kissed him passionately. James wasted no time kissing back which wasn't a problem for me. I pulled away slowly. "Feels good to be back." I smiled.

  James held my hand and started dragging me to the car. "I'm driving today." I raised an eyebrow "And why is that?" James shrugged "I want you to relax for a night. We can watch a movie when we come back home." James said walking over to the car. "James, you're tugging me." I informed he let me go and got into the car. "I'm fine with that." He responded getting into the drivers seat, a smug look on his face.

  I giggled and got in the car. "So where we goin'?" James started the car. "You know that resteraunt we went to for our...first date i guess?" I nodded. "There's a resteraunt a few blocks away from it. I heard it was pretty good. I won't cock block you this time, they have mac and cheese." I zoned out staring at James while he pulled out of driveway.

  "Why are staring at me?" He asked never appearing to take his eyes off the road. "Because you're beautiful. I like looking at you." James' face flushed a red color with my comment.

Time skip

   Once the two of us were seated in the resteraunt James started to talk about how schools been going. Apparently Washington pulled some strings so I'm techinally done with school. "So what do you wanna major?" I asked sipping my drink. James shrugged. "I don't know yet. You?" I looked around "Law." James nodded.

  "You always showed interest in being a lawyer." I shrugged, my gaze unintentionally falling back on to James. A sigh escaped his lips. "You okay?" I asked raising an eyebrow. James nodded. "Just deja vu, its nothing." He said looking down at his drink, while stiring it with his straw. "Oh, mabe you and dickhead came here once."

  He stopped stiring his drink and looked up at me. "His family owns this buisness." I nodded. "Shit." I looked around "They can afford this?" James kicked me under the table. I laughed. "What?" I asked through giggles. I watched him going back to stirring his drink. "It's not like he's here sugar." I put my hand on the table for him to hold.

James looked at me and hesitantly did so. I smiled, closing my hand to secure his with mine. James smiled anxiously. A New woman, not to be known as our waitress, stepped over to our table. "James! If it isn't the best person ever." She said with a smile. I looked at him then her then him again. "T-This is Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Reynolds t-this is T-Thomas." He's freaking out.

   James in having an anxiety attack I gotta get him out of here. "Lovely to meet you." She waved. I hated the Reynolds family with every fiber of my being. If I could kill James Reynolds I would. I have to calm him down. "I'm gonna make a quick trip to the washroom." I slowly retracted my hand and stood up. "James can you show me where it is?" Nice save. "S-sure." He stood up messing with his sleeve "he'll be back momentarily."  She nodded as I followed James to the bathroom. I pulled him into a stall not bothering to lock it "You alright?" James nodded.

  I stepped back out and made sure nobody else was in the bathroom. I walked to James pulling him back out into the open. "Do you want go home?" He shook his head. "Just a l-little alarming seeing Reynolds' mom again..." I kissed him briefly. "No one with hurt you without killing me first. Did you notice that I got shot in the shoulder for you? And kept fighting him" James smiled.

  "You shouldn't put yourself in danger for me." He said softly. I kissed him again. "I love everything about you. From your personality to appearance. To the things that only I'm really aloud to see," James giggled. "I love it all. I'd marry you if I could. So in short, yes I do need to put myself in danger for you." I kissed him again, my hands traveling down his sides, stopping at his hips. This isn't the most romantic place for a make out session so maaaybe I should pull out of this. "I'm sure our food is there by now-" I was cut off by a short kiss from the smaller male.

  I smiled. "Can I tell you something Tommy?" I nodded "You can tell me anything sugar." I responded staring into his eyes. "Were you in love with Abigail?" I shuttered and shook my head. "I thought so but I was very wrong. This feels different you feel right...I feel like when I'm with you, I haven't a worry in the world." James smiled widely "Let's go back out." I nodded, removing my arms from his sides and started to walk out of the bathroom.

  I checked my surroundings noticing no family members or anything. I put my hand behind my back and gave James an "ok" sign before walking to out table followed by James. "You doing okay?" James nodded. "Good. And as I said." I gestured to the two plates. I had a MASSIVE plate of macaroni and cheese and James basically got a normal pasta.

Time skip

    After we quickly finished our meal I didn't fight James to let me pay for once, I think he's happy about it. We walked back to the car and mid open of door Charles Lee popped up. "What are you guys doing here? Double dates?" I shook my head. "It's the twenty first century, homosexuality exists." I pushed Lee aside and held James' hand pulling him along.

  "Thomas what did you just do?" I smiled "Told Charles Lee his little crush on me isn't happening." I let go of James and got into the car. James quickly got in and looked at me confused. I-ugh. Stop it not now Thomas, can you keep your dick in your pants for about 20 minutes like goddamn.

  I started the car and prepared myself for one unomfortable ride. I reversed and got on the express way. "Thomas what about your-" I cut him off "Reputation? Fuck it. I am in love with you and if it takes publishing this entire relationship to the school then I'll do it." My phone vibrated.


   I groaned "Prepare for me to get yelled at in 3. 2." I answered the phone. "1." "THOMAS JEFFERSON! WHATS THIS ABOUT YOU NOT GOING TO SCHOOL FOR FOUR WEEKS STRAIGHT? I MAY NOT WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH A FAGGOT BUT I REFUSE TO GO TO JAIL FOR MY QUEER OF A...I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMIRE." I sighed looking at James. "I've been going through some deppresion and I just pulled out of it. I haven't even left my house until today." A loud exaggerated sigh came from the other end.

   "The second you stop being-" I cut her off "Gay? Mom, hate to break it to you but that's not about to happen. I'm never going to stop being gay and if you can't deal with that...you just can't be a part of my life. I'm gonna do something huge one day and you'll wish you could call me your son but you can't." I ranted James looked at me in confusion "You could have had a sweet, adorable son in law. But you won't. Ever. Because I genuinely want you out of my life." I finished. It's like he subtracts all of the fear in me amd replaces all of it with power and happiness.

   She groaned. "Fine, go fuck your life up with someone else. Bye." Boop. I exhaled a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Jemmy I love you. Hope you know that." James nodded. "You just threw your college status away and you end your night with "I love you"?"

I nodded. "I do...and when we get out of this god awful traffic, at home, I'd like to show you how much I love you." James' face flushed and he looked out of the window. "Jem..?" He hummed "You down?" He nodded."Cool. I love you." He smiled. "I love you too."

Peculiarity(JeffMads/Modern AU)REVAMPING ❌Where stories live. Discover now