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I strutted down the hallway, it was lunch time and I was about thirteen feet away from Reynolds. I wanted to snap his neck so of course I walked to Mr.Washington's classroom. Jemmy followed close behind, we pretended to have intense conversation but all we were doing was literally arguing about who loved who more.

I knocked on the door before opening it slowly "Hey, Mr. Washington." I greeted before stepping in, Jemmy at my side. He waved. "I just wanted to tell you that James has opted not to press charges." He looked confused "Why?" He asked gesturing for us to sit down in front of his desk, we did so. "Well...all the physical evidence of sexual assult is gone." I explained. He nodded "I just wish you two would do something against him." I shrugged and looked at Jemmy who wouldn't let down his walls.

"Mr.Washington, how would one go about renting an apartment?" I asked. James albowed me "Tommy." I sighed. "Sorry." Washington furrowed his brow "might I ask why?" I nodded. James looked at me "Thomas and I are trying to move in together." Jem crossed his arms. I sighed "We left home without our parents knowlage and now we realised we have to live somewhere-" I lectured before hearing Jemmy's phone ring. He answered it "Yello. Uh-hu. No I'm fine. I told you I've been working on a project." His parents obviously. "Yeah. Here." He handed me the phone I rolled my eyes

"Howdy." "Where are you and James?" I sighed "School" "Why hasn't he been home? I swear to god if-" "We have a project that's due soon, we needed to basically live together so we got a hotel room so that we could study each others behavior." Nice going Thomas! Epic save! I gave Jemmy a thumbs up. "When will he be home? Because I'm not having my son live with a faggot" That really struck a nerve with me. "Mr. Madison I believe you're saying you don't want him living with you. Have a nice afternoon." I hung up and handed James his phone.

"What happened?" Washington asked. I shrugged. James sneezed "Are you getting sick?" He nodded hesitantly "I thought we had this under control." I said with an annoyed sigh. He looked down "It's nothing.." I shook my head "Jemmy, make me a deal here. I take you back to the hotel, you skip the rest of the day and I'll...go apply for a job." I hesitated. He sighed.

"Fine..." He pouted. I looked at Mr. Washington "Can I take him home?" Washington nodded "Do I need to remind you?" I sighed "No." He smiled "Be careful boys." I nodded standing with James and walking him to the car.

I sighed starting the vehicle. "I love you." I said reversing out of my parking spot, although recieving nothing in return. I sighed gears and got onto the express way. "Jem?" He hummed "are you okay?" He nodded. "Do you want to stop by a store?" He shrugged "Do you want me to go in for this interview now?" He nodded. I sighed "How about this, I go to this Jewel right here, pick up some things then we instead of switching hotels tommorow, we wait, and on your birthday we go get that apartment, shall we?" He smiled and nodded

"I can't believe I'm building a life with the man of my dreams" James finally spoke. I smiled pulling into the parking lot "Neither can I."

Time skippoo

I cautiously walked James into the hotel room, placing the bags on the floor. "I'm sorry." He muttered. I picked him up bridal style "You have a weak immune system, nothing you can do about it." I responded putting him in bed. I walked over to the bathroom and pulled out cold medicine. I made my way back to James while struggling to read the dosage.

He gestured for me to give to him "I have 20/20 vision Tommy, just let me see." I hesitantly handed him the bottle "Three of these." He said giving the pill bottle back to me. I opened it and handed him three of this pills "Look, Tommy, I can take care of myself, you don't need to miss school for me." I nodded handing him water. "Yes I do." I got myself a bottle of water and chugged it remembering how James said I needed to hydrate myself. I threw the plastic bottle away and walked back to the bathroom, picking up a soup-thingy. I sighed realising I couldn't read it for shit.

Peculiarity(JeffMads/Modern AU)REVAMPING ❌Where stories live. Discover now