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James p.o.v.

I paced, taking quick breaths, occasionally taking puffs off of my inhaler. A heavily breathing Thomas busted through the door like a goddamn swat team. I jolted around, seeing him close the door and lay on the ground I rushed over to him. "Are you alright Tommy?" I asked climbing on top of him. He smiled "He's a fighter...plus.." He gestured to his other arm "He had a gun."

His right arm had a bullet wound I took a quick puff off my inhaler. "Thomas...I-I have to take you to the hospital." He grunted "I already pulled the bullet out myself. There's gauze in my drawer." I didn't question why and wasted no time running over to the dresser, grabbing the gauze and some medical tape. Scissors...crap. I looked through my binder and picked up a pair of scissors.I ran back to Thomas.

"It's okay.." I said moving his hand and cutting his sleeve off. I quickly wrapped the wound. "Tommy, your blood clots...frighteningly fast." I commented while taping the gauze. He laughed "You always know what to say." He sat up. "Tommy, you need to rest." I said placing my hands on his stomach. He shrugged "I'm okay." I shook my head. "You got shot.." He sighed "Tommy, I'll call a hospital, they-" he cut me off "fine, I'll rest. But you have to help me change shirts." I nodded.

I walked him to the dresser and sighed "I might as well just cut it the rest of the way off..." I suggested "It would make me happier if you pulled it off of me." I sighed and nodded. "Raise your..not shot arm." He chuckled and complied. He picked up on what I was doing and when I pulled up his shirt and he took his arm out of the sleeve, I pulled the shirt down the injured arm.

I sighed looking at his shoulder. "Do you just want to sleep shirtless? 'Cause I dont mind Tommy." I smiled. He shook his head "I might get a bit loud...but just give me...that grey sweatshirt." He pointed towards the article he was talking about. I sighed "Tommy, are you sure? I don't want to hurt you..." He nodded. I picked up the sweatshirt and sighed. "You have to put your arm up.." He took a deep breath raising his injured arm and wincing pretty loudly in pain "Tommy, it's okay." I quickly tugged the sweater over his head he dropped his arms and whimpered weakly.

I looked at him with guilt "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you what he did.." Thomad shook his head "I would've found out eventually. Plus it's not your fault." I shook my head fighting back tears. "If I hadn't dated Reynolds while you were gone...if...if I had just left him...I wouldn't have... You wouldn't have gotten shot.." He kissed me. I started to cry mid kiss. Why does he care so much? Why does he love me? Why does he stay?

Thomas pulled away "Jemmy...you don't believe any of the stuff he told you when you two were...together? Right?" I looked down. Maybe I am worthless and ungratfull. Maybe. "I-I might be everything he said..." A look of anger spread across his face. "I will suck up this pain and snap his neck I swear to god." He turned away tensing up and whimpering in pain quickly. I wiped my face "Jemmy, if you even dare think anything he said about you is true...I will personally-" I cut him off "Tommy you took a bullet in the shoulder for me..." It just then hit me how many problems I've caused.

"Oh goodness." He held my face in his hand "Jemmy I love you. More than anything in this life. I can't believe you think you're not good enough. It hurts me to think that you believe you don't matter. If I could just prove to you how much I love you...how I feel about you...how to make up for fifteen years of desire. Of need. How do I make up for all the years I've just wanted to.." He trailed off and passionately kissed me. His left hand staying on my cheek. He finally pulled away after 45 seconds of kissing. "I didn't have the fucking guts to just say I was in love with you."

I stood there speachless. "And another thing, you're amazing, and every part of your appearance is beautiful. I hope to one day be able to fully experience that." I felt my face heat up and I smiled "There's that handsome boy I love." I blushed even deeper. Thomas kissed me "How do I make up for it all?" He questioned, wrapping a hand around my waist.

"You don't need to make up for anything..." He kissed me. "B-but I'm just so...so ashamed..." I pushed out quietly. "Why?" Thomas asked me. "I- this is my fault.. If I had just left him when I saw the signs you wouldn't have a hole in your arm right now. I wouldn't have this dumb tic..." I realized I'd been spinning my sleeve, so I pulled my hands apart and cried "Jemmy?"

I sobbed harder "I..It's my fault Tommy...he just...he kept saying sorry..he would hit me again then apologize...then he eventually stopped saying sorry and telling me I deserved it...at this point I believe everything he says." Thomas tensed up "T-Tommy I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you angry.." I started crying harder.

I can't handle people being mad with me. "Jem... If you...if he hurts you...I will break his jaw...again." I paniced, breaking heavily. "Jemmy, I-" he grabbed my inhaler off the dresser and handed it to me. I took a few puffs off of it. "Tommy, you should just let me have an asthma attack." I suggested putting my Inhaler back down and walking away to my phone.

You can't get rid of me, I love you.

I started having an asthma attack. I sat on the floor and put my phone down.

Tommy p.o.v.

James had a random asthma attack..what did he find? I grabbed his inhaler, sitting down next to him, he started to cry. Clearly he can't do this himself, I sat on his right side "Jemmy this is gonna be stupid but." I flipped the cover off of it and put it into his mouth. I pressed down three times, I pay close enough attention to see how much time he puts in between puffs, as well as how many.

I took the inhaler out of his mouth and put the cover back on it. "You didn't have to do that Tommy.." He said quietly I shook my head "Yes I did." I kissed his cheek. "What happened?" He picked up his phone and handed it to me. I opened it.

What the hell? "as long as I'm alive nobody can hurt you." I put his phone down "I took a bullet in the shoulder to you and you think I'm gonna let that effeminate cuck so much as look at you?" I threatened, not realising I basically said the same word twice. He giggled clearly getting used to me again. "Thomas, we should sleep." He suggested glancing off. Would it be weird if...I kissed him.

I pulled out of the kiss I grunted. He looked concerned "What's wrong?" James questioned. "Nothing Jimmy. Just.." I sighed "don't know how I plan to shower tommorow." He shrugged "You have to wash the wound..I'll go to the store." I shook my head "I have to come with you. Or you could just help me change clothes tommorow and I'll visit the school nurse."

He held my hand. "How about this. I'll help you tommorow morning, I just wash the wound and help you change clothes, then you can see the nurse tommorow." I sighed "Wouldn't that require you to see me naked?" He shrugged "You're my boyfriend, aren't you?" I nodded seeing his point "I won't look, I promise." I giggled "Jimmy James, it doesn't make me any differance." I commented as he stood up "I'm going to bed." He announced.

"Jemmy?" He hummed "help?" He nodded putting his hand out. I held it with my left and and pulled myself up. "Thanks." He kissed me "Don't mention it Tommy."

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