t w e n t y - f i v e

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I think you guys deserve some well earned fluff, here ya go.(The next chapter'll be good, i promise)

  I groaned moving around. I let James top again didn't I? That was stupid 'cause now I'm in pain. I looked over seeing James sound asleep. I cuddled up him, my head on his chest. "Good morning to you too." He said with a yawn. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" James shook his head running his fingers through my hair.

  I smiled. "I was already waking up." I nodded "How are you feeling?" I asked putting a hand on his chest near my head. James shrugged "Pretty good. How about you?" I rolled my eyes. "In pain." He giggled "I told you that you would need pain pills." I laughed and sat up. "You have school today right?" James nodded.

  "Alright, I'll be working on getting a job and working on college xcetera, xcetera." I explained standing up and taking off my shirt to switch into a different one. "Tommyyyy" I hummed while opening the drawer and pulling out a shirt. "Where at you goiiing?" I shrugged. "A place." I pulled the shirt on and walked over to the bed to get my phone.

  "I want you to come back and lay with meeee." He complained holding my hand "You have school." He sighed loudly "I'll skip. Washington won't care." I rolled my eyes. "Ya don't want to spend your day with me." James groaned "Yes I do. I'm not in the best condition either you know." I laughed as he grabbed his phone."Fine." I got back into bed under the blanket

  "Thomas?" I hummed while he adjusted to basically lay on me. "Am I good enough?" I nodded "Better than good." I commented. "Second grade huh?" I furrowed my brow. "What?" He sighed "You said you've had a crush on me since second grade." I nodded

  "You're puberty must've been god awful." James commented. I giggled "It was. Y'know, while everyone else was finding life long friends, or girlfriends and I was just like I want James Madison but I can't have him." James kissed me "Well you have me now." I smiled. "I got very lucky." James nodded. "Some people are just missing out." I stated. James smiled.

  "What'd I do to deserve you?" James laughed lightly "I'd ask you the same question." I sighed. "Imagine if I'd never met you. Wouldn't that be terrible?" James nodded, hypnotized by tracing patterns on my chest. "Have you noticed your accent starting to thicken again?" James asked never making eye contact with me.

  "No..I haven't." Is it really? "Well it is. Speaking of that, do you want to go up to Virginia with me? My cousin lives there, he offered me a place to stay, when I asked if I could bring my friend, he said yes." I shrugged "Sure." James smiled. I raised an eyebrow "What's making you so happy today?" I questioned. James shrugged. "You." He responded.

  I giggled "What's so great- I should be asking what excites you about me?" James laid on top of me. "Everything. Your smell, your taste, your looks, your voice, your lips, your eyes, your arms, your hands...everything." I smiled. James Readjusted his position on me. "I mean sure I know i'm hot but damn, do you make me sound better." James rolled his eyes.

  "I care about you..a lot and I just hope you know that I realize how fucked up what I did was." James smiled. "If I could take it back I wo-" I was cut off my sudden contact to my lips. "I appreciate you trying to make things better but I already forgave you. God, I forgot what it felt like to kiss you. Weird as this may be I forgot your taste for a while."

  If I was going through my pmsy bullshit he must've been going through way worse than me. I've apologized dozens of times and there was literally no way in hell James could get me was to shut up. I felt James kiss me again. "Don't ever forget that I love you...please?" I asked. James nodded. "Trust me, I won't. You took a bullet in the shoulder for me, you think I'll ever forget that?" I shook my head shamefully.

  "You've been doing the absolute most in order to keep my happy and safe and with everything you do I just fall even harder for you." James explained. I smiled again. "I just wish I could've shown you off before we had to graduate." James smirked "Who says you still can't?" I raised an eyebrow. "Are you implying I go to school with you tomorrow?" James nodded and picked up his phone.

  "Whacha doin'?" James shrugged "Calling Mr. Washington." He put his phone on speaker and started calling.. I nodded. "Hello?" "Hey, I'm with him." I laughed lightly "Sup G.Wash""oh, hello Thomas." James smiled. "I'm skipping today to try and get myself re-calibrated. Thomas is coming to school with me tomorrow by the way." "Mhm...and why is that?" James smirked.

  "Someone wants to show me off." I nodded. "Oh, so do not intend to keep this a secret anymore?" James gestured for me to answer "I decided to fuck my reputation and that I wish I still had the opportunity to show him off. So he offered for me to accompany him to school."

  "Ah, well, I look forward to your partnership. I trust you've been taking my strong suggestion Thomas?" Use a condom or keep it in my pants. Yes. "Yeah." James furrowed his brow. "I'll tell you later." "I told him to use a condom or keep it in his pants. That rule still applies to you James." His face flushed lightly.

  I giggled. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Washington." "Please, both of you call me something other than that? It's too formal for my liking." I raised an eyebrow and gave James a 'Oh really' look. James shrugged. "Uh.. Okay." "I don't know if I'm overstepping my boundaries but would you to like to grab some coffee with my me sometime? You could meet my wife if you'd like." Washi- er, G.Wash? Is such a dad.

  I nodded to James kind of to tell him I was down if he was. "Sure, sounds like fun. Name a time and place, we can talk about it tomorrow." "Alright! I'll see you trouble makers tomorrow." I heard excitement in the older males voice. It made me happy knowing that I had a semi father like figure in our life when we needed one. Boop.

  James put his phone back on the nightstand and yawned. "I'm going back to sleep." He commented starting to move off of me, but I held his waist and kept him still. "Go ahead." James blushed a deeper red. "Why are you so flustered? I flirt with you all the time." James shook his head. "Your hands are just..." I looked down seeing my hands on his waist.

   "Ya want me to move?" I moved my hands, James frantically shook his head. "I don't mind, I like your hands there. I'm yours, do whatever you want." I raised an eyebrow "Mine?" he nodded. "I don't own you Jem." he shrugged. "You belong with me though." I put my hands on his hips.  "Tommy, what if I get  bullied tomorrow?" I scoffed "Anyone looks at you the wrong way, I'll fuck 'em up."

    James smiled "I love you Thomas." I smiled. "I love you too." he kissed me briefly. "Y'know that's the first time ya said it first." James hummed. "I'm always first to say I love you." James nodded. "You do know I love you right Tommy?" I nodded. "Really?" he nodded as though I should know this by now. "Duh. I don't just go around telling people my darkest secrets unless they mean something to me. I literally just haven't have the chance to prove it because you're always the one pulling me out of trouble."

   I nodded. "I guess so. Well, get that sleep you wanted, I have to accompany you to school tomorrow." James nodded and closed his eyes drifting into sleep, I soon followed suit, love of my life in arms.

Peculiarity(JeffMads/Modern AU)REVAMPING ❌Where stories live. Discover now