t w e n t y - s e v e n

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I pulled into the school parking lot, James fell back asleep in the passengers seat, we didn't make that much of a mess yesterday, although I need to buy a new car. Anyway the few jobs I've applied for have been nothing but assistance, I was at this point I was waiting just for phone call or text or email or something along those lines.

I decided that with the extensive hickeys on James' neck that it was the best choice to just faness and go to class with James. I got out of the car, James stood by his door looking at his phone. I admired my work before chuckling and putting my hand out when he put his phone away. "Shall we?" I asked with a cocky smile. James nodded and intertwined our fingers together.

"We shall." I walked into the school with James, Burr walked over to the two of us, walking with us to class. "So I see the two of you have a thing going here." He said with finger guns. I rolled my eyes. "It's pretty obvious. Visually at least." I nodded in acknowlagment while following him into the classroom. "What can I say? If it's good it's mine and I mark my property."

I smirked and let go of James' hand, taking a seat next to him. "So I'm driving I take it?" I asked looking at Washington. G.wash shrugged. "I can if you'd like." I shook my head. "I just ran it through the wash and I like driving my car when it's clean." James nodded "He does." Hamilton looked over at the two of us.

Wash clearly noticed this and while he went back to his work commented. "Hamilton quit staring." Alexander looked at him with a 'what the fuck, no.' Look. "Son-" Hamilton cut him off. "Don't call me son." That was perfect setup for an argument but I wasn't gonna take the bait that easily.

Chill day again, coolio.

Jemmy James:

What's up?

Jemmy James:
How do you like your coffee?

The same way I like my men.

Jemmy James:
Soo dark?

Preferably yes

Dark with lots of cream or sugar or both 👅

"Don't use emoji's I swear to god Thomas." I giggled never looking over at him.

Jemmy James:
Anyways I got it

Can you at least let me pay half of it

Jemmy James:
But you pay for everything and it makes me feel like a bad partner for never paying

So! I'm paying at least 1/3

Jemmy James:
You're lucky that I love you.

Time skip

While we walked to the car James and G.Wash had a conversation while walking I just stayed silent. I forgot about the sharp pain from yesterday.

I should listen to Jemmy more.

I heard my name suddenly pull in me out of mt daze. "Nice car Thomas. If I didn't know any better I'd say that it hasn't even come out but this is the...1986 model right?" I nodded. "I used to call it the pussy slayer because every girl in school would believe it when I said that it was a 2020 model and that I was filthy rich. Not that I'm not but I'm just a good liar." I shrugged and unlocked the car.

James got in the front with me and G.Wash got in the back. "So where are you taking me?" He asked from the back seat. "I hate starbucks, can we go literally anywhere but?" I asked James. He nodded "You got me there, their coffee is gross unless you like it like this idiot." He said gesturing to me while I pulled out of my parking spot.

"You're complaining about my taste in men or coffee? Because they match up in the same area." James rolled his eyes. I got on the express way. "How does he like his coffee?" G.Wash asked like a little kid listening to his parents.

"Don't you dare Madison." James smiled "Dark and creamy with extra sugar." I narrowed my eyes. G.Wash nodded. "It fits." I laughed quietly. "Where am I taking you?" James looked at his phone. "Hold on, hold on...George are you down for food?" James asked. I looked at him."Are you suggesting the edge?" (Old Chicago deinner I loved that closed down.) James nodded. "They have got french toast for the godddds" James giggled.

I sighed remembering the bathrooms are scented with lavender. "Bathroms are off limits though." I stated turning a corner. "Why?" James asked raising an eyebrow. I looked at him. I waited for a response. "Oh! That's right! Oh I forgot I'm sorry!" I shrugged "It's all good darlin'." I smiled looking over at him.

"So we're getting lunch?" G.wash asked from the back seat. I nodded "Guess It's looking that way." I put my hand down giving James a death stare. "Jem." He looked at me. "Oh shute sorry." He held my hand. "You don't have to if you don't want." I added on with a laugh. He shrugged.

Time skip

I put my menu down. "You know what I'm getting." James sighed putting his menu down. "Mac and cheese related anything?" I smiled "Sure, but no. The godly french toast." James giggled "I will accept that." He kissed me and put his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around his waist as G.Wash came back from the bathroom and sat down. "So what are you two getting?" He asked. I smiled. "This french toast here is for the gods, I'm serious it is heavenly." James groaned. "Stop trying to persuade George into getting french toast." Washington giggled.

"I'm getting pancakes anyway." I nodded. James cuddled up to me more so I adjusted myself so that James was almost on my lap. "So I see that you two are...intimate," I wanted to laugh about that, I'm unsure why, I guess if the marks on James' neck didn't already give it away our current behavior definitly did.

"So I have to ask-" I finished his sentence. "Yes, before you even finish that sentence yes we use protection mom." Wash nodded. "That's good to know but I'm curious if your parents know. I mean you two live together I feel that your gaurdians would know." I sighed audibly. James inhaled through his teeth. "They don't?" Washington asked surprised.

"I don't know if you'd call our parents constantly harasing us because of our....lifestyle if I can even call it that. Then yes they know." I responded. "It's kind of stalkerish." James added on. Washington furrowed his brow in a confused manner. "Stalking is the-" I cut him off. I'm gonna major in law, I should know this. "Act of repeated unwanted encounters. Yes."

"What kind of encounters?" I looked at James. "Oh, it's my turn to talk? Okay, um...I can't lie, some of them have been because of the two of us. But they still try to call him and rarely talk to me." He explained. Wash nodded. "Well that's unfortunate. Consider me a third parent if you wish."

I nodded "I appreciate it."

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