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While walking down the hall a smaller male bumped into me I grunted and turned around "I'm sorry!" He swiftly apologized I rolled my eyes "Jus-Jemmy?" He looked down doing the weird thing he does with he sleeve, what's up with that? "You're back." He nodded "Ya on knock that flu yet?" He looked up with a false smile "Yep. You still having trouble sleeping?" I nodded (yknow like a liar).

"Oh...that's too bad. You can stay at my house tonight if you want." I shook my head "nah, I'll be fine." I felt sudden arms wrapping around my waist "Heya cutie." I put on my usual cocky smirk naturally. "Hello, hello." James continued to force a smile. "Who's this?" I was pulled out of my unknowing staring at James by the voice of my girlfriend. "Oh where are my manners?" I thought aloud. "This is my girlfriend Sally." James nodded

"Well I should be going, I'll see you later." James stated calmly. I waved as he shuffled away. I broke out of Sally's arms "I gotta go." She followed me "I feel like you've been avoiding me, We should talk." I nodded "Yes and?" She scoffed "You know what, fuck you too we're done!" She stomped away as I got into my car. That- escalated quickly?

My phone's Bluetooth hooked up to my car automatically and started ringing Incomming call; MOM I sighed and answered "Hello?" "Thomas, where are you?" I sighed "James and I have a project we were paired up for I'm going to his house to work on it." "What's this I'm hearing about you skipping classes?" I sighed while turning a corner

"I don't know mom, my teachers must be marking me absent or something." I told the first truth in this phone call. "Why are you always hanging out with Madison anyways?" I sighed "I don't know, he's my kindergarten best friend? Hey look, I'm here how about I call you back when I'm on my way back okay?" She grunted and hung up.

I sighed deeply and pulled into the drive way and walked up to the door. I knocked and the door quickly opened to a shirtless James. "I forgot you were coming over today, I know you're not into dudes or anything so let me put a shirt on." James said jokingly. "Who sa-" I cleared my throat agressivly thinking a strong: ABORT MOTHERFUCKER ABORT "-I mean yeah sure cool." He nodded and closed the door. What the hell Thomas? The door opened again and I stepped in quickly "So wada you wanna do?"

"I just wanted to hang out y'know." I said clearly suspicious. "Oh sure, what do you wanna do?" He asked as I sat down on the couch next to him. Tell him you wanna talk "I'm fine with just talking." He looked into my eyes. Nooo stop it Thomas! You're straight! Being gay is weird! You aren't gay!

"Alright what about?" His smooth vo- why am I so nervous? This is my 15 year friend. "Are you okay?" Tell him you're confused. I nodded. He's so- I said stop it! "I'm fine." He held my hands. His touch is so nice- STOP IT! GOD DAMNIT! "I feel like there's something you aren't telling me Tommy." Yeah, because my you'd hate me- But I'm not... I'm... fuck.

I started to breathe heavily. "Tommy you need to breathe. It seems like you're having a panic attack" is that what this is...? I just wanted to cry. And that says a lot because I do not cry. I see it as a sign of weakness.

I felt James put his hands on my arms "Tommy what's up?" My parents will hate me...I'll lose my school reputation I- "Thomas you know you can tell me anything." I shook my head. I can't tell you this.. "Thomas what's wrong?"

"I-I'm gay..."

Peculiarity(JeffMads/Modern AU)REVAMPING ❌Where stories live. Discover now