13- Goodbye note♡

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Millie woke up, none of her friends were there. Jack went home earlier, Maddie had to go to dance, Grace had some sort of gig out of town and Noah went to soccer practice. Millie had no idea where Finn, Gaten, Sadie and Caleb were, it left her worried.

"Finn!" Millie shouted, walking down the stairs. "Sadie! Gaten! Caleb!"

"Where are you guys?!" She yelled.

She walked in the kitchen and seen a piece of paper on the table. She picked it up and read it.

Dear Millie,
Thank you for letting us stay here. We appreciate everything. You let us do things we hadn't been able to do in a long time and let us experience things we weren't able to. You showed us what true happiness felt like because we all forgot the feeling. We left at 3am. Away from you, so you can spend time with your friends without us being in the way. You shouldn't feel like you have to be with us at all and you are only 14 years old, you should be doing your own thing, not hanging out with 4 losers. We left all of the things you gave us in your brothers room, so you can have them back. We love you Millie!
From Caleb McLaughlin, Sadie Sink, Gaten Matarazzo and Finn Wolfhard <3

Millie instantly felt tears brimming in her eyes. She needed them here, they weren't safe without her. She ran upstairs and put on some shorts and a t-shirt and stuck on some socks and put on her vans. She ran downstairs into the back yard and got her bike.

She biked all the way to the alley where she thoughts they'd be, but they weren't there, none of them were.

"Finn!" She yelled.

She got off her bike and put it up against the wall as she walked down the alley. She found a grey sweatshirt on the floor, she picked it up and looked at the tag.

Finn Wolfhard was written on the tag, in really scruffy hand writing, looking like a 4 year old had wrote it, but to her it meant everything. This was Finns sweatshirt.

"Sadie!" She yelled, it was no use, they were nowhere.

She got on her bike and rode back home. She sat on the sofa and cried, until she heard a knock on the door. She opened it and it was Maddie.

"Millie what's wrong?" Maddie asked, coming in the house. "where's Caleb, Finn, Sadie and Gaten?"

"They left a note, saying they were thankful for everything and they've gone. I don't know where they are. I've looked where they used to stay, but it's no use. I can't find them!" Millie said, another tear dropping down her cheek.

"Shit, Millie. We're gonna find them. Don't worry." Maddie said. "Now show me the note."

"I found Finns sweatshirt too, it was down the alley." Millie said, wiping her tears.

"How do you know it's Finns?" Maddie asked.

"It has his name, written on the tag." Millie sighed.


It was 10pm now, none of them turned up. Millie had school in the morning, she had to go. She revived the 700 dollars though the mail today, too.

She was sat on the table, drinking hot chocolate, while on her phone. She rinsed the mug out and went upstairs. She put on her pyjamas, brushed her teeth and put her hair in short plaits and got in bed. She fell asleep whilst thinking of the street kids and their whereabouts.



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