We later discovered that Jess was an Einstine. She is really good at science. And I mean really good. She is going to Harvard—of course, because she's super smart—to study medicine. When I asked her what she wants to do career-wise, she said she was thinking of becoming a doctor. If anybody can become a doctor, it's Jess. 

I also stayed in contact with my friend from England, Jules. He was telling me how he met this raven haired girl at his college that caught his eye. We spent four hours on the phone talking about her. Apparently, she has refused his advances several times, which has only motivated him more to go on a date with her. The whole ordeal sounds like what happened between me and Xavier. I have respect for the girl just because she's making Jules work for her.  

Finally, me and Xavier. We decided to go to the same university, not just because we want to be close to each other but also because they have good programs. I want to be an elementary school teacher because I love helping children whilst Xavier wants to study psychology and hopefully have a career in it. And what better place to go then Stanford where the prison experiment was conducted. 

We both purchased an apartment together, which I was slightly apprehensive about. But with Xavier's consistent reassurance, I agreed. How could I say no to his handsome face? 

"Anna! Hurry up!" Ren shouts and I quickly stumble over to them. Xavier wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple. Ahh.

"Three, two, one!" We all shout and pose for the selfie. We do this a few more times, pulling funny faces and giggling at each other. I'm happy but I also feel that small lump at the back of my throat. I'm not going to see them in a while. Cora and Derek leave tomorrow, Ren is staying with Micheal and Jess is working every day to pay for her tuition fees. Xavier is taking me to his cabin in Barbados. 

Sure, we can call, Skype and text each other but its not the same. 

Once we've finished with the photo's, we all pull apart. My eyes start to well up as I stare all of them. 

Cora's the first person to notice. "I know. I'm going to miss all of you guys too. Including Ren." 

Ren rolls her eyes but smiles. "Aww, that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me." 

"And that's the only time you'll hear something nice and Ren in the same sentence," Cora mutters loud enough for Ren to hear. 

"Hey!" She protests. 

A tap on my shoulder pulls me out of listening to Ren and Cora's bickering. I turn around and nearly gasp as I see Stacy, the ex—captain. 

She's not wearing any make—up today so her naturally tanned skin is shown off. She looks so much prettier with it, I just hope she knows that. 

"Hello," Stacy mumbles, giving me a small smile. I recuperate the smile because she's being nice. I may not like this girl but I'm not going to be an ass when she's being civilized. Xavier gives me a perplexed look and I use my eyes to tell him to give us some privacy. He unsurely nods his head and goes to talk to Derek. 

Ever since the dance battle that occurred, Stacy has not bothered me. We only see each other in cheer practice and even then we don't interact with each other. I guess you there's an understanding between us. 

"I just wanted to say thank you," she announces, shocking me. Did Stacy, Queen B of the school just thank me?

"I'm sorry Stacy, I'm not being rude but do you mind repeating that? I think my ears are playing tricks on me."

Stacy purses her lips together and repeats it, "I wanted to say thank you. For doing what you did —standing up against me. If you hadn't, nobody would have put me in my place. I needed to realize that I'm not better than everyone else and that I don't always get what I want. You opened my eyes. So thanks."

Without another word, Stacy then walks over to the rest of her crew, leaving me gobsmacked. Wow, this day is just full of surprises. 

"Hey," Xavier says from behind me. "What was that about?" 

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly, the corners of my lips tugging upwards into a smile. "Oh you know, the usual. Just the Queen B thanking me for opening her eyes." 

Xavier gives me a disbelieving look. "What? Its true." 

Xavier mumbles something under his breath that I don't catch. I choose to ignore whatever it is. 

"So...where are you taking me for our graduation treat tonight?" I curiously ask him. 

A week ago, Xavier promised me that he would take me somewhere special tonight due to us graduating. I'm really excited about it. I'm so excited that I have been pestering him the whole week to tell me where he's taking me. But Xavier has refused to tell me.     

"Nope," Xavier grins, popping the 'p'.

I pout, knowing Xavier will want to kiss my lips. He admitted a while ago that whenever I pout, it makes Xavier want to kiss the life out of me. Me, being me, ended up blushing like a tomato much to Xavier's amusement. He also admitted that he found me even more beautiful when I blushed. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure this is real because guys like Xavier are one in a million. 

Xavier wraps his arms around my body and pulls me towards him so that I crash into his rock hard chest. He rests his chin on the top of my head and exhales. 

"Princess, I told you that I want this to be a surprise." 

"I know," I say. My voice is muffled because it's against Xavier's chest. "But you know I hate waiting for surprises, I'm not patient." 

Xavier releases a husky chuckle that sends shivers down my spine, "I know that." 

"Hey! You're not supposed to say that to your girlfriend." I tell him, lightly hitting his chest with my hand. 

"And that's supposed to mean..." This time I hit his chest harder. He complains and apologizes. 

"You know I love you right?" He randomly asks me.

I nod my head. "And I love you too." 

"I will always love you." 

"And I will always love you," I reply.

Xavier gently grabs my chin and tilts my head up. And then he kisses me. 

Word count: 1716

Annnnnnd that's a wrap! We have finished this book! Wow. 

Hopefully, in a couple of minutes, I will be posting the authors note that contains important information so please stay tuned!

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