chapter 36

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Coming Home - Sigma and Rita Ora

Hello! I just want to say that this chapter may be confusing but all will be explained in the next few chapters. Please understand that Anna's behavior is understandable and a lot of people will be like her in a situation like this. She's scared and doesn't know what to do. 

Also, thanks for all of the comments guys! #52 in Teen fiction??? Thanks so much guys! It means so much!

This chapter is dedicated to ayeeshaalffian for all of the votes! Thank you!!!

This chapter is dedicated to ayeeshaalffian for all of the votes! Thank you!!!

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After I had received the note, I tore it up and chucked in my recycling bin. That was two weeks ago. Since that day, I had gotten several more messages from my brother, saying he was coming for me. I'm absolutely paranoid about what he will do.

My brother was angry. That much I could tell. In a sense, he has every right to be. Yet, there's a reason my parents abandoned him. They had to, to protect me. He was dangerous, he was somebody my parents didn't want my growing up around.

I hadn't heard from him in such a long time, I was only little. I had assumed he had moved on and was getting the right treatment. But now, I'm not sure he has been getting the right treatment.

I'm terrified of what he's planning to do. Nobody else knows about our past and my brother. Hell, everybody—including Ren and Cora—think I'm an only child. I haven't been brave enough to tell them about it. I haven't been brave enough to even face the problem myself. It has always been lingering at the back of my mind, my older brother.

Ever since the first letter, I've been acting more distant. Everyone who knows me well enough has noticed but has chosen not to ask me about it. I have been focusing on my studies as a way to distract myself. I still talk to them but I don't get as into conversations as I normally do.

"Hey," Xavier nudges me. "Are you okay?"

I'm touched by his concern and everybody else's. We have an addition to our table, Derek. He's been trying to talk to Cora but she won't have it. I admire him for trying but I'm still angry that he let one of Stacy's crew basically manipulate him.

My eyes glance around the table, at Jess, Cora, Ren, and Derek who are all giving me worried looks. I feel guilty for making them worry about me and my problems. I can't tell them because I don't want to put them in danger. I'm not selfish—I don't want my deranged brother coming after them because of me.

"Yeah sure." I give a fake smile. "Just worried about my history homework." I lie, biting my lip.

I also bite my lip when I lie. Only a few know that's a trait I do. I'm hoping nobody catches onto it.

Unfortunately, luck isn't on my side. Cora narrows her eyes at me and Ren tilts her head to the side. Xavier doesn't look convinced either. I need to think of a plan, quickly.

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