We all ate breakfast in silence but it was a nice one, nothing awkward about it. I finished and I was getting up to wash my plate when Rob took it off me and, because I was about to protest that I was quite capable of washing my own dishes, Rob interrupted by simply saying. "It's your birthday, it gives you the right to not do anything today."

"At least let me dry the plates." I insisted. I felt bad not doing anything, they had taken me in and everything and even though it's my birthday, it wasn't right that I should get out of doing anything.

"Nuh-uh." Rob told me shaking his head, just as May came running over.

"That's my job." She told me with a smile. I just stood watching them, not sure what else to do, as they washed and dried the dishes.

They were finished in no time, Rob turned to look at me and smirked before asking the twins "Mia, Sara, can you look after Ava while Me, May and Max sort out the surprise?" I was going to object that I didn't need babysitters, but then I thought of running into Gabriel alone and decided I liked Rob's idea better.

"Yep! We know exactly what to do in the meantime." Mia replied with a huge smile on her face. Today she was in jeans and a green tank top, maybe green was her favourite colour or something. I was kind of worried about what she had planned, she seemed overly excited. It must have shown on my face because Rob chuckled before leaving with Max and May. I turned to Mia and waited for her to tell me what she had planned. "Come on." She simply told me, hooking her right arm through my left and leading me out of the kitchen.

We ended up in her and Sara's room. It was a deep sunset orange and was set out like May and Marina's room except for one thing which I thought was odd. There was only one bed, it was a double but wouldn't they want to sleep in separate beds? I decided not to ask, I didn't want to be rude. The floor was wooden and they had a desk with a mirror instead of a study desk.

Mia sat me down at the desk with a mirror and, because the chair was a spinney chair, she turned me to face her, turning me away from the mirror. "Okay so you're probably wondering what I have planned and if you’re not then you're not normal." She told me with a smile. I relaxed a little when she smiled, it's not like she was going to do anything to me like Gabriel. I shuddered at that thought and went back to focusing on Mia. "Well, because today is you birthday, I decided I’m going to give you a makeover for your surprise tonight."

"Do you know what the surprise is?" I asked hopefully. I thought, that maybe she would slip up and tell me seeing as I asked. It had worked a couple of times before on my friends when I was little. They would tell me they had a secret and I would ask straight after what it was and they would let it slip, not thinking. I wasn't the type to tell, even back then, so they never got mad at me. Well, they were never made at me for long.

"Nice try but I don't so I can't tell you anything, but even if I did know anything I wouldn't tell you anything because that would be telling, and the whole thing wouldn't be a surprise anymore would it?" Mia told me. I nodded because I was kind of lost trying to make sense of that sentence. I think she said it like that on purpose, I smiled. I think I’m going to like Mia. "You're not allergic to anything are you?" She asked.

"Nope, not that I know of anyway. Why?" I replied.

"That's good, because that means I won't be limited with makeup and when I make meals." Mia started rooting through one of the desk draws on my right, looking up at me every once in a while. When she had gotten all the pots of makeup out she wanted she started on her cupboard.

"Do you make all the meals then?" I asked.

"No, we kind of take it in turns. I make meals every Thursday and Friday's depending on if we eat out or not. Yesterday was a Monday and normally Sara cooks but after what happened, we decided to go with take out." She explained. I guess that made sense. Share the cooking duties and I guess they also shared out the other jobs. "Hmm, go dressy or casual?" I think Mia was asking herself but I couldn't be too sure, before I could say anything she said "Half and half." To herself and went back to rummaging through her cupboard. "Ah ha!" triumphantly she held out a lime green strapless dress, that looked to be tight on the top half then loose until it ended.

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