•dig dug•

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"You're different from your friends."

Lucas and Dustin stood outside of the Palace Arcade

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Lucas and Dustin stood outside of the Palace Arcade. Lucas peered through his trusty binoculars. They were there to spy on one person; Max Mayfield, the intriguing new girl.

"Still no sign?" Dustin asked, looking towards his friend.
"Jack shit," Lucas replied.
"Oh, damn it!" Dustin cried out suddenly, looking down at his watch,"My mom's gonna murder me."
"So go home," Lucas replied, not looking away from the front door, "I'll radio if she comes."
"Oh yeah, nice try," Dustin turned to him, "You just want me out of here so you can make your move."

But Lucas was distracted. He saw Joe, their friend, hop off her bike, waiting by the front door. What was she doing here?

A blue car sped up to the front of the arcade, it was clearly Billy Hargrove's. Max leaped out of the car, immediately arguing with her stepbrother. She slammed the door shut as he was speeding away, making sure to flip him off. That's when Lucas and Dustin saw something super interesting.

Max approached Joe, almost as if they had planned to meet, even though they hadn't.

"Ah, Bob, whatcha doing here?" Max asked, walking over to the short haired girl.
"Waiting for you actually," Joe smiled, "I thought we could hang out. I figured you'd be here, Mad Max."

Max blushed, but gave a small smile.

"Well, you're in luck," Max said, "Let's go in."

The pair walked into the Palace, leaving Dustin and Lucas shocked. How could the girls already have become such great friends?

Lucas and Dustin ran to the window, watching the two girls laugh and talk.

Max was concentrating on Dig Dug, trying to impress the brunette. Joe leaned against the machine, slurping on a soda Max had bought her. She studied the red head's serious face. She was beautiful without even trying.

"You're pretty good at this, huh?" Joe asked between sips.
"I guess," Max replied, glancing quickly over at Joe,"It's not big deal."
"My friends think it is," she laughed, causing Max to chuckle as well.

Max kept playing for a little while longer, until she finally lost. Then the two went to the back of the arcade, where there was chairs and tables. They shared an order of fries, this time on Joe.

"You're different from your friends," Max pointed out.
"Is that a good thing?" Joe asked, jokingly offended.
"Oh, uh, totally! I'm sorry, I-"
"Relax," Joe laughed, reaching across the table to touch Max's hand comfortingly, "I think you're different too. In a good way."

Max couldn't help but blush at the contact. She beat herself up for it a little. It's one of the reasons her and Billy didn't get along. He suspected her of being queer. She'd never be out, at least not to her parents or him, but she was definitely queer, and Joe made that clear.

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