•new kids•

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"Are they always stalking the new people around here?"

"Are they always stalking the new people around here?"

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The next day, Steve brought Joe to school in his car. She listened to Nancy and him blab on about his college essay paper. Secretly, she hoped he wouldn't go to college. She'd miss him too much. Joe finally had enough of their mushy gushy love talk, and got out of the car. An engine revving by stopped her in her tracks, also catching the attention of the two teenagers.

Nancy and Steve got out, standing next to Joe protectively. A blue muscle car came speeding up, parking almost across from them. The license plate said "California" in yellow detail. Hawkins had a new student, which was odd in itself. Hawkins never had new students.

The driver side door opened. A tall boy with way too tight jeans and a hideous mullet got out. He made Steve look like Christian Slater in Joe's opinion. The passenger side door opened next. A girl with striking red hair and a skateboard got out, looking unenthusiastically around. She got on her skateboard speeding off towards school. Joe was in awe. She'd never seen a girl skateboard before.

"Well, I better get going," Joe sighed, looking back towards Steve and Nancy.
"See ya, Joe," Nancy and Steve said almost in sync.


Class had began and Joe was not thrilled about it. She sat in the back of Mr. Clarke's class, away from her friends. She got in trouble for talking too much.

"Meet the human brain," Mr. Clarke began, slamming the plastic model onto his desk, "I know. I know, it doesn't look like much."

It looked like a hunk of pink plastic in Joe's opinion. She blew a bubble with her gum, not even really paying attention to what Mr. Clarke had to say. She was a nerd to some degree, but not when it came to her grades.

The door suddenly opened, prompting everyone to turn their attention towards the door at the same time.

"Ah, this must be our new student," Mr. Clarke smiled.

Joe had a feeling it was the red headed girl she saw earlier. She was definitely curious to know more about the girl with the skate board.

Just as Joe had predicted, the beautiful red haired girl walked in, clutching a skateboard in her arms.

"Indeed. All yours," The principal that Joe never remembered his name stated.

The girl tried to quickly escape to the back of the class, but was stopped by Mr. Clarke.

"Alright. Hold up. You don't get away that easy," he flagged the girl back to the front, "Come on up. Don't be shy."

Joe could see the girl roll her eyes.

"Dustin. Drum roll."

Dustin slammed his science book shut and began to excitedly tap on the cover.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine!" Mr. Clarke introduced.
"It's Max," she mumbled.

Joe narrowed her eyes. Max. Mad Max? Was this new girl Mad Max, the Dig Dug champion? It would make sense. Hawkins was small and there was no other Max in the area. Also she showed up the same time the score got beat. Joe concluded she was definitely Mad Max.

"Sorry?" Mr. Clarke said, clearly not hearing the girl.
"Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max," she stated again, looking irritated.
"Mad Max," Lucas whispered to the group, causing all the boys to be shocked.
"Well, all aboard, Max," Mr. Clarke laughed awkwardly.

He'd always been awkward, apparently even through high school. That's what Joe's father said at least.

The red headed girl took this as her dismissal from the front of the room and headed to the only seat open, which happened to be in the very back next to Joe. Her friends, being the awkward humans they were, followed the girl with their eyes. It was totally creepy in Joe's opinion. She rolled her eyes.

"Are they always stalking the new people around here?" Max asked Joe, motioning to Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will.
"Well, in their defense, girls never talk to them, so when there's a new one, they wanna be her friend," I explained, laughing at my dorky friends.
"Ha," Max chuckled, "I'm Max."

She held out her hand and my heart started racing.

"I'm Joe," I smiled grabbing her hand for the hand shake.
"Joe, I understand Max is new, but please pay attention to the lesson. You'll have plenty of time to get acquainted later," Mr. Clarke scolded.
"Sorry," I mumbled, turning back around to face the front.

I glanced back over at Max who gave me a smile, and I knew this was the start of a beautiful friendship.

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