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"I wanted you to kiss me."

The gang worked hard to disguise the shed as best as they could

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The gang worked hard to disguise the shed as best as they could. Lots of duct tape and lots of scraps covered the walls of the shed. Joe didn't think she had ever seen that much cardboard in her life, especially being stuck to a wall. It turned out pretty decent for how fast they were getting it done, and it would certainly do the trick. Joe would be fooled if she was in Will's place.

Jonathan went to get Will. He carried him out there to the shed. They tied him to the chair and Lucas plugged the lights up. It very much was becoming an interrogation room. Joyce prepared the sedative, just in case they needed him out cold again.

Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, and Mike stayed out in the shed. The rest of the group headed back to the house. There honestly wasn't room for all of them in the shed, and Joe wasn't sure she wanted to see what was going to happen anyways.

The group was silent when they got back in the house. It was a waiting game at this point. Dustin was pacing around, looking out the window every so often. It was honestly making Joe even more anxious than she already was about the whole situation.

Max and Joe were sitting across from each other in the hallway. Their feet kept accidentally bumping into each other.

"If he finds out where we are... will he send those dogs after us?" Max asked, looking at Joe wirh worry and concern.

"He won't find out," Joe replied, giving a weak smile.

She was trying to convince herself of that more than Max.

"Yeah, but, if he does..."

Joe looked at her gravely. Max got all she needed from that look. They would die if Will realized where they were.

"Before we possibly die, I need to ask you something," Max said.

"Yeah?" Joe asked, looking at her.

Joe felt nervous. She hoped this wasn't about the bus, about the kiss.

"Were... Were you gonna kiss me back there?" Max asked, stuttering a little, "On the bus."

Joe stayed silent. She didn't know how to handle this situation. She could say yes, and then possibly be rejected and then be ostracized by everyone except for Dustin. That would be pretty horrific. She could say no, but then miss out on any chance with Max, even if it was the smallest chance ever. She opted for staying silent.

"I wanted you to."

Joe looked up, wide-eyed like a deer in headlights.

"What?" Joe asked, trying to make sure she heard the redhead right.

"I wanted you to kiss me," Max clarified, "I think-I think it might have been nice, but if you didn't want to, I understand. We can just act like I never said-"

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