•we're okay•

438 21 46

"Yeah, well, I did die and I still think everything worked out."

Everyone was crowded around Eleven for what felt like the millionth time ever

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Everyone was crowded around Eleven for what felt like the millionth time ever. She was sitting on the ground of Bradley's Big Buy, right in front of the Eggo section, leaving the freezer doors open so she could feel the cold air and hear the buzzing of the electricity to help her focus. Very on brand of her to pick the freezer full of Eggos, Joe thought.

She was currently trying to find Dustin. Joe hoped that meant finding Steve as well. El adjusted her makeshift blindfold, which was made out of a small American flag they found within the store.

Suddenly, Lucas popped open the tab of a soda.

"Quiet," Max hissed quietly.

"Oh, sorry," He whispered back.

Joe mentally face palmed. He acts like he's never seen El do this. He knows the rules. It needs to be quiet for her to focus.

Lucas lifted the New Coke to his lips, genuinely seeming excited to have a sip of what Joe could only describe as barf in a can. Everyone watched in disgust as he took a sip.

"How do you even drink that?" Mike asked, his face contorted with disgust.

For once, Joe agreed with Mike Wheeler.

"Because it's delicious," Lucas replied as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What?" Max, Joe, and Mike replied all at the same time.

Joe glanced over at Nancy and Jonathan. Even they looked like they thought Lucas's taste in soda was questionable, which it was.

"It's like Carpenter's The Thing. The original is a classic, no question about it. But the remake..."

Lucas briefly paused his sentence to take another large sip of the rancid wannabe Coke. He sighed in satisfaction after he swallowed. Joe would have gagged if that was her drinking it instead.

"Sweeter, bolder... better," Lucas smiled as he finished off his explanation.

"You're insane," Mike stated.

"And gross," Joe added on, which Max nodded in agreement at.

"So, you both prefer the original Thing?" Lucas asked.

"What? No, we're not talking about The Thing, we're talking about New Coke," Mike replied, disgust still lingering on his face.

"It's the same concept, dude," Lucas replied.

It definitely isn't, Joe thought. This conversation was so unnecessary. They should be focusing on El finding Dustin, and inadvertently, Steve. Not whatever the hell this is.

"This conversation is so dumb," Joe said, "Let's just stop and focus."

But, as she expected, the idiots decided to ignore her and continue on with the New Coke vs. Classic Coke debate.

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