•body in the trailer park•

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"I should have died instead of you."


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When Max woke up the next day, Joe was gone. Max wondered to herself if she was ever even there. The only reason she knew Joe was definitely there was because pillow smelled like her perfume.

She glanced on the nightstand, seeing a piece of paper with writing on it. She picked it up. It was a note from Joe.

Thank you for one last night together. Goodbye, Max Mayfield.

She set the note down. It felt strange and way too final. Max didn't like the way it made her feel. She didn't want it to be over, even though it was always her choice. She was beginning to seriously regret it, but it was too late now.

She got out of bed, heading to the kitchen. She already had a headache coming on, but for once, her nightmares had subsided at least. Max was sure that Joe's presence had something to do with it. The dark haired girl had calmed her and made her feel safe for the first time in a long time.

She popped the cap off of the Tylenol bottle, desperate for relief. She downed the pills quickly, washing them down with some sink water.

The sounds of police sirens blared in the distance, getting closer and closer to the trailer park that she resided in. The dog she frequently took care of was barking and howling now. A lot of shady people lived at Forest Hill Trailer park, but the cops never really came there. She wondered if somebody had finally done something to warrant a police presence.

She opened the front door. Several police cars came barreling into the trailer park with urgency. They all sped over towards the trailer that was right across from her; The Munson's home.

Max wondered if this was about what she had witnessed last night. While she was out feeding the dog that wasn't hers, she had seen Eddie Munson and surprisingly, Chrissy Cunningham. They were heading into his trailer together and she had looked nervous.

She wondered if Joe knew anything about this or maybe had seen something as well. She was friends with Chrissy, and she had come to the trailer park last night. Maybe Joe knew what had happened.

"Looks like that Munson boy's up to no good again."

She turned to see her mother had come out to gawk at the scene. Max was shocked she was awake, but those police sirens were loud enough to wake the dead. Her mother was clearly hung over. Her bags that permanently lived under her eyes were more evident than usual, highlighted by the smeared mascara she had forgotten to remove.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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