•meet me by the bleachers•

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"I'm over Max."


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"Hey, Losers," Joe greeted as she walked up to Hellfire Club's lunch table.

All of Eddie's friends froze, shocked that a pretty girl like Joanna Harrington was even acknowledging them. Eddie, Dustin, and Mike didn't seem phased though.

"Baby Harrington! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Eddie exclaimed, walking over to the shorter girl.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Dustin asked.

Poor, innocent Dustin. He had know idea what his new idol got up to in his free time, nor what Joe got up to either.

"He's my long lost twin," Joe teased, grabbing Eddie by the arm to pull him next to her, "See? Don't we look alike?"

It was almost comical since they both looked absolutely nothing alike.

"Such a sense of humor on this one," Eddie smirked, "Isn't she great?"

"No," Mike stated.

Joe rolled her eyes at Mike.

"Love you too, Mikey-Poo," Joe blew him a sarcastic kiss, then turned back to Eddie, "Look, I need to talk to you about something. It will only take a second."

Eddie raised an eyebrow, and so did everyone else at the table. What in the world could a girl like Joe Harrington need to discuss with a boy like Eddie Munson?

"Lead the way," Eddie nodded.

Joe pulled him out into the hallway, to get away from all the noise and the possibility of someone overhearing.

Eddie and Joe stood in the hallway. She glanced around to make sure no one was within earshot.

"I have a friend who wants to buy from you," Joe told him.

"Really? Who is it? The little annoying girl you always hang out with?" Eddie asked.

"No, it's not Becky," Joe replied, "It's... uh... Chrissy Cunningham."

"What?! Chrissy Cunningham?!" Eddie yelled.

"Eddie! Keep your voice down!" Joe shrieked.

"I'm just shocked!" Eddie said, his jaw hanging open, "That's, like, for sure the craziest thing I've ever heard."

"Yeah, I was shocked too," Joe nodded in agreement, "Can you meet her out by the track field? Or no?"

"Duh," Eddie laughed, "I'm not gonna miss the opportunity to witness this in person."

"Okay, perfect," Joe said, "She'll be there after school."

Eddie nodded, a smirk still painted on his face. It was like it was engraved permanently.

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