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"I'm so sorry, Max."

JUNE 1985

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JUNE 1985

"Billy!" Joe screamed as he pushed her into the pool.

She hit the water with a large splash, going completely under water. Billy was hunched over laughing at the Harrington girl.

She came up from underwater, blowing water out of her nose dramatically. Her hair cascaded around her like wet tendrils.

"You're so not funny," She told him as she rolled her eyes and swam to the nearby ladder to hoist herself up out of the water.

It was just them tonight, closing up the pool.

"Come on, Harrington. I know you're seeing my lame sister, but I still thought you'd be able to have fun."

He held his hand out for her, helping her up and off the ladder, even though she didn't need help.

"I do have fun, thank you very much," She replied as she pushed wet hair out of her eyes.

"Sure," He laughed.

"Well, the only fun you have is hooking up with girls," Joe replied as she picked up the hose so she could clean the pool deck, "I hardly call that a hobby."

"Hey, I never said anything about hobbies. I said having fun, and getting with girls is fun," He shrugged as he grabbed a mop.

"I wouldn't know," Joe replied as she turned the hose on.

Billy turned to her with his eyebrows raised.

"You and my sister haven't...?"

"Billy! I'm 14!"

"Oh, right."

Sometimes he genuinely forgot she was younger. His other coworkers at the pool were his age. She was a rare exception.

"Plus, you told me not to."

"That's not true. I said don't do it at our house."

"Okay, true."

She began to hose off the pool deck. Billy mopped up after her. It was a comfortable silence for a while until Joe finally spoke again.

"I don't understand why you're being so nice to me."

He stopped mopping, looking up at her. He saw the girl staring at him, her hair sticking to her face and neck, but she still looked pretty. If she wasn't so young, she probably would have been his type. He was a sucker for girls with large innocent doe eyes, which Joe had.

"You impressed me, Harrington," He said, "Plus, I-uh..."


"I see myself in you."

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