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"Well, maybe I can teach you sometime."

"There's no way that's Mad Max," Mike stated, staring at the redheaded girl as she skateboarded around on the black top

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"There's no way that's Mad Max," Mike stated, staring at the redheaded girl as she skateboarded around on the black top.
"Yeah. Girls don't play video games," Will agreed.
"Excuse me?" Joe asked, raising an eyebrow, "I'm pretty sure I'm a girl."
"Sorry," Will mumbled.
"Whatever," Mike sighed, "You can't get 750,000 points on Dig Dug. It's impossible."
"But her name is Max," Lucas stated.
"Ugh, you guys are being so lame. You haven't even said a word to her. She's actually super cool," Joe told them, "In fact, I'm going to go talk to her right now."
"No no no no no," the boys cried out, but it was too late, Joe had already started heading towards Max.
"Hey, Red!" Joe called out to the girl.

Max looked up, hopping off her skateboard.

"Hey, Bob," Max replied.
"Bob?" Joe asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Your hair," she motioned to Joe's dark short hairstyle.
"Ah," Joe nodded, chuckling slightly, "What are ya up to?"
"Just riding my skateboard, and trying not to feel completely disgusted by those creeps," she chuckled, motioning over to the boys staring from behind the fence.
"They don't mean any harm, but, hey, skateboarding is pretty cool," Joe laughed lightheartedly.

It made Max's heart skip a beat.

"Have you even tried it before?" Max asked, flipping the skateboard up into her hand.

That trick impressed Joe thoroughly.

"No, I'm more into rollerskating," Joe smiled coyly, adding, "I'd love to learn, though."
"Well, maybe I can teach you sometime," Max smiled, dropping her board back to the pavement.
"Yeah, I'd like that," Joe smiled back.

Max looked up at the clock, which was hanging above the door to the inside.

"Hey, I gotta go," The redhead pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to Joe, "Give this to your creepy friends."
"Will do," Joe replied, "See ya, Red!"
"Bye, Bob!"

Joe watched as Max left, feeling herself finally relax. She didn't know why Max made her so nervous. She decided to check out the note. It read "Stop Spying on me, Creeps". Joe laughed. The boys rushed over.

"What the hell?" Dustin called out, "Are you crazy?"
"Uh, no?" Joe responded.
"What did she say?" Will asked, bouncing slightly on his toes.
"Nothing important, just wanted me to give you this," she placed the note in Mike's hand.

The boys opened it up, reading it. Joe held back a laugh as they looked confused.

"Well shit," Dustin muttered, realizing they had been caught.
"William Byers."

The kids turned around to see their principal there.

"Your mother's here."

Joe knew this couldn't be good, but she had no idea how bad it was really going to get.

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