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"What type of friend tries to make a move on someone else's girlfriend?"

"What type of friend tries to make a move on someone else's girlfriend?"

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When Max exited Ms. Kelley's office, the last person she thought she would see was Lucas Sinclair, who was waiting for her.

"Max, hey," Lucas greeted, trying to keep up with her.

She kept walking, but he was right behind her.

"Are you stalking me or something?" She retorted.

"Oh, no, I... I just wanted to give you this."

He held out the extra ticket to the basketball game. He liked Joe and he was glad that Max and her were done, but that didn't mean that he wanted to end his friendship with Max.

She had been so moody and cold. He thought that maybe inviting her to watch the game could help her feel a little bit better.

"What is this?" Max asked as she took the ticket.

"A ticket to the game," Lucas replied.

She glanced back at him like he was insane, and maybe he was for thinking that she would even remotely be interested in attending a high school basketball game.

"I know you never want to go to the games, but this one is kind of a big deal," Lucas explained as he walked beside her.

"A big deal? Lucas, you really care about this?" She asked, venom dripping with every word.

Joe was right when she said that Max could be cruel. She could make someone feel like their whole life was pointless in a matter of seconds.

"Yeah, I... I do. Joe does too," Lucas replied, "Maybe you should find something you care about too."

He didn't mean for the last bit to come out rude, but it kind of did. She did care about one thing; Joe Harrington. She couldn't tell him that, especially since he was trying to date her.

Max froze in her spot, turning to him. Her eyes narrowed.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She hissed.

He sighed.

"You're just... It's... It's like you're not even here anymore. It's... It's like you're a ghost or something."

"A ghost? Really?" She asked, "You expect me to come to your stupid game to support you, when you've been all over Joe since the second we were done, and then you wonder why I don't spend time with you anymore."

"Max, all I'm saying is that I know something is wrong."

"Yeah, there is something wrong. You're a backstabber," Max hissed quietly so no one would overhear, "What type of friend tries to make a move on someone else's girlfriend?"

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