•billy hargrove•

566 26 39

TW: Sexual Thoughts (Nothing serious nor too graphic just internal thoughts about sex) and Self-hatred involving Body image

"I'm sorry, Joe."

Eleven had fallen asleep pretty early, which was okay

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Eleven had fallen asleep pretty early, which was okay. It meant Joe could spend some quality time alone with Max.

"I'm worried," Joe spoke up, her head in Max's lap as she stared up at her girlfriend, the music softly playing in the background.

"About what, Harrington?" Max asked.

"Something isn't right. Eleven was really shaken up," Joe sighed.

"She just saw Billy leaning over a girl, and then she thought he looked at her," Max shrugged, "Billy and that girl were probably having sex, and it freaked her out. Plain and simple."

"El wouldn't freak out over nothing," Joe said, sitting up, "You don't believe me."

"That's not what I'm saying, Joe. I do believe you. It's weird, but also Billy is weird, which makes it very plausible he was just doing something strange."

"What if this is connected to that strange feeling I had at the movies?" Joe asked, looking away from Max's eyes.

She felt embarrassed about bringing that up again. Max sighed.

"I'm sure it's not. Everything is okay," Max said, taking her girlfriend's hand in her own, "Trust me for once."

Joe thought for a second. Maybe Max was right. Maybe she was just being paranoid, which she often was. She sighed.

"I trust you," Joe told her, giving her a weak smile.

Max smiled back, knowing her girlfriend didn't one hundred percent believe that everything was okay, but at least it was a start.

"Hey, Joe," Max spoke up, remembering the conversation she wanted to have with Joe about Robin.

"Yeah?" Her darker haired girlfriend replied.

Max reached up to her necklace that Joe got for her, playing with it. She loves me, Max reminded herself before deciding to have this conversation about Robin's fondness of Joe.

"What's the deal with Robin?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... She seems into you," Max stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Joe was stunned. Robin? Into her? That was comical. The shock on Joe's face quickly turned to a Cheshire Cat grin, and then, into a laugh. She had to restrain herself so she didn't wake El up.

"What is so funny?" Max asked, now seeming irritated.

"Robin is straight," Joe managed to barely say in between bouts of laughter, "Plus I'm pretty sure she's into Steve. She makes fun of him all the time, which I'm pretty sure is her way of flirting."

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