Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven.

"Hi mom"I said walking upstairs. "What are you doing here? Where's Justin?"she asked. "I'm getting ready. Where going out to dinner with his friends"I said. "Why can't you get your stuff at your house?"She asked. "My fancy stuff is here"I said walking into my room.

I dried my hair, and washed it again.

I did my hair and I wore this. I got a text, 'Babe you ready?' It was from Justin. 'Yeah' 'Alright, I'm here' I walked downstairs and the doorbell rang Pattie and Justin came in. She smiled, and Justin looked over my body. He looked at me and smiled, "Picture!"My mom screamed. "No. Mom-" "It's okay"Justin said. My mom came back with a camera, "Smile!"She said. Justin wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

The flash went off blinding me, "Perfect"She said and smiled. "Go. Go. Have fun"She said. "Mom"I said. Justin chuckled and we walked out. I pulled my cardigan closer. I ran to Justin's black range rover, and Justin walked in the other side. I put up the heat, once he turned on the car. He smiled. "Cold?"He asked. I nodded, and he backed up out of the driveway.


"Wait here"Justin said. I un-buckled my seat belt, and waited. Justin opened my door and smiled. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You made me nervous"I said and got out. The wind came up and made it really cold. My eyes danced around on Justin's outfit. A black jacket, with a white shirt and dark jeans and gold supra's. "Babe I feel under dressed"He said. "I feel over dressed"I said. He laughed and handed me his jacket. "No. No. That's okay"I said. He drapped it around my shoulders and he grabbed my hand. "Thanks"I said. He smiled and nodded. I let go of Justin's hand and put my arms through the holes. Justin laughed, and grabbed my hand again. "Don't answer anything"Justin said. "Ignore everything"Justin said.

'Are you two dating?!'

'Justin who is this?!'

'Mystery girl look here!'

'Will you be at the red carpet tomorrow Justin?!'

We walked inside, "Shit"Justin said. "They fucking ruined it"Justin said. I looked at him confused. "I was going to ask you, if you wanted to be my date to go on the red carpet tomorrow"Justin said. I looked at him and smiled. "But now.."Justin said and gave me a teasing smile. "I think I'm going to have to take someone else"Justin said grabbing my hand. I smiled, "I'm okay with that"I said. "Damn it"Justin said and smiled. "I can't make you jealous"He said. "Like I can with you?"I asked. He smiled and nodded. "You're good at it"He said. "But trust me, it'll come"He said. Caitlin, Christian, Ryan and Selena walked in.

Christian starred at me and Ryan's mouth dropped a little. Caitlin smiled and walked over, "Don't someone look pretty"She said. I smiled. "Thanks"She said. "Oh, I wasn't talking about you"She said. "You look very pretty Justin"Caitlin said. He laughed, and Caitlin nudged me. "Joking"Caitlin said. I smiled and nodded. "I know"I said. "You look really good too"I said. She smiled. "Thanks'She said. I heard giggling, and I looked over. Justin made Selena laugh, I sighed. And took a deep breath, Selena pissed me off. Caitlin nudged me, "Hey"She said. "It's okay"She said. I smiled and nodded. Justin met with me in the front, "Hi"I said. "Can-" She held a finger up to me, meaning one minute. She wasn't even doing anything. She looked up and her eyes widened.

"Can I help you?"She asked looking at Justin."Uh, yeah can we have one table"He said. She nodded, and winked. "One sec"She said. Okay. That made me mad. I looked at Caitlin and she gave me nervous look. She handed Justin the buzzer, then a slip on it that said 'Call me Maybe;)' then her number. I looked at Caitlin pissed, and the girl smirked. "So, Justin"She said. I sighed, "Want to hangout sometime baby?"She asked. I growled quietly. But Justin caught it, "Sure"He said and smiled. I stomped away, and walked outside. I through Justin's coat on the ground, I heard Caitlin laugh. She walked outside, with me. "Dude..."Caitlin said. "He's doing it on purpose!"I said. She laughed. "Flirt with Christian then"She said. "I don't care"She said and shrugged. "He likes you, so he'll flirt with you back"She laughed. I laughed too and I took a deep breath.

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