Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven.

*Justin's P.O.V*
You know what scares me?

Joanna looks really cute when she's sleeping. Make that, fake sleeping. I know she was, and I saw her close her eyes. I mentally laughed. I knew she would close her eyes, I can tell she likes me.

But you know...She's pretty and all...

She's just, not really my type.

I took off my shirt and took off my jeans. I grabbed sweatpants from the closet and quickly putting them on.

I rested my head on the pillow, and turned on my side. I soon fell asleep, having darkness awake me.


The next morning, I got up and JoJo wasn't there. I looked at the clock and it was 10:30 this is pretty early for me. I looked at myself in the mirror and patted my hair down, I walked out of the room closing the door.

I got to the last step and I smelt bacon and talking? Is JoJo talking to herself?

I walked around the corner and Selena was sitting at the table talking to Joanna. "Hey babe"Selena said. Joanna looked at me, "Morning"She mumbled. Selena gave her a look, and Joanna gladly returned the look.

"Hey"I said rubbing my eyes. Joanna set a plate on the table and pushed it towards me. There were eggs, bacon and toast. My favorite. I smiled. "Thanks JoJo"I said. She nodded and put the pan in the sink getting ready to wash it. "You don't have to do that"I said. She shrugged. "Might as well"She said. Selena cleared her throat."But, here's a better idea. I'll let you too talk"JoJo said dropping the sponge and the soap. She wiped her hands and walked around the corner and up the stairs. After a couple of seconds I heard the door slam. I sighed and closed my eyes. She's mad.

"So baby..."Selena said. I sighed and let her come sit on my lap. "I'm engaged Selena"I said lightly getting up. "It's not real though"She said. "It is, I'm having a real wedding. A real wife and a real ring"I said. "WHAT!"Selena yelled. She growled and looked around the corner, "That little bitch told me it was-" "She's not a bitch Selena"I said. She rolled her eyes, "Look, I don't know what you see in her. But I'm better for you, better money...Better clothes....Better....Looking"Selena said. I heard footsteps and a sigh.

I turned around and Joanna turned around and slipped on her shoes. And grabbed her jacket, "I'm done"Joanna said facing me. "I'm done with this shit"She said. "You can have him"Joanna said wiping a tear that dripped down her face. "I never did anyway"She said.

"Wait! Joanna!"I said getting up. Selena sat back down on me, I lifted her up and set her down. She grabbed my arm, "What the hell do you think you're doing Justin"She said. "Going after someone I care about"I said and ran out the door. I heard Selena gasp and I heard her run after me.

"Joanna!"I said sprinting to the door. I knocked on the car window, she rolled her eyes. 'What' She mouthed. "Open the window"I said. She sighed and put the window down. I felt Selena's arms go around me. "Can I talk to her...alone...Selena?"I asked. She glared at Joanna and kissed me and nodded. She walked back into the house making sure not to close the door.

*Joanna's P.O.V*
I opened the car door, and got it. I slammed it shut and started my car. I heard tapping on the window. I rolled my eyes and looked at Justin. ....

"Where are you going"Justin asked. "Home"I said. "This is home"Justin said. "Fine. My mom's house"I said. "Why?"He asked. "I'm going to find some way to get out of this marrige. You obviously don't want this, I don't want this. I don't want any of this"I lied. I do want this, more than anything. He's so hot, and so nice, and so sexy. His voice is perfect. I can't get over how gorgeous he is.

He shook this head, "Where friends. I'm not letting this happen. We will just 'kiss' in front of our moms"He said. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Faking isn't going to work Justin"I said. He shook his head again. "We will make it work"He said. I sighed, "I woke up around 12:30 last night"I said. "Our moms were still downstairs talking"I said. "They're expecting a baby into our 7th month of marriage"I said. He looked at me surprised. Then, the Justin I knew came back. He smirked. "And I can't wait for that"He said. I rolled my eyes, "Stop trying to make me laugh Justin"I said.

"Why? Is it working?"He asked. "No"I said trying not to smile. He gave me a funny smile, I laughed at his weirdness. He smiled, "See. I always make you smile"He said. "Now turn off your car before it runs out of gas"He said. I turned the car off, and Justin opened the door. I walked out realizing it got colder before and Justin's in a t-shirt and sweatpants in the middle of winter. I sighed, "What are you doing out here in that"I asked. He shrugged. "I don't care what I'm in. I needed you to get back in the house"He said. I stepped on some snow and I slipped. Justin caught me, and I fell straight into Justin's chest. He smirked, "You want some that badly?"He whispered in my ear.

"Because I'll be gladly to give it to you"He said lightly bitting my ear. "Maybe later"He said. "Selena's here"He whispered sending chills up my body. I shivered and pushed him away. He fell into the snow.

My hand went over my mouth. He got up from the snow, and glared at me. "You're dead"He said. I ran away, scared of what he was going to do. He picked me up and tried to throw me into the snow. I clung to him, my legs wrapped around his torso. My hands wrapped around his neck, and he smiled. "You're aren't going to let go shawty"He said. I nodded and smiled. He shrugged and jumped into the snow with me still clinging to him.

I got up from the snow brushing from my face, Justin got up from the snow and walked over. He wrapped an arm around me and put snow on my head. My mouth hung open and he smiled and ran towards the door. That boy is dead.

I was sitting on the couch and Selena finally left. Justin popped onto the couch next to me, he smiled. "Picture?"He asked. "No"I said. He smiled and wrapped an arm around me. He brought me real close to him and he turned the camera around and he did a funny face. I hid a little bit of my face. He smiled and kissed my cheek and ran upstairs. I sighed and payed attention to Pretty Little Liars.

I walked upstairs, too see were Justin went. I saw the bathroom light on, he must be in the shower. I heard the water turn off, yep. I sat down on the bed and turned on the TV. I heard my phone go off, and I picked it up from the floor and looked at it. It was a notification from Twitter. I sighed and un-locked my phone. I waited for twitter to load and Justin uploaded this picture of us with the caption:

With my girl! Love you JoJo♥ ;) @JoJo_Williams

I smiled and saved the picture, Justin walked in and took my phone.

A second later he gave it back, I un-locked it to see what he did. And I already saw, he changed the lock screen picture to the picture he just took. "Want to go swimming tomorrow?"He asked. I looked at him weird, "Uh No. If you haven't noticed, it's Winter. There's snow and-" I looked at my phone. "It's 18 degrees outside"I said. He shook his head, "At my place. I'll take you there, there's an indoor pool and some of my friends are going"He said. I nodded and smiled, I looked at the clock. "I'm tired"I said. "Then go to sleep"He said hopping next to me. I sighed and leaned the pillow. I felt Justin's arms wrap around me.

Best. Day. Ever.

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