Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

My eyes slowly opened, and I turned my head to see a sleeping Justin. But he was facing the other side, he's usually right against me. Or, has his arms wrapped around me. I sighed, and looked at the clock, it's 12:30, I missed already half my day. Great, I walked over to Justin's side. And my phone went off, I tackled it and put my hands on it so Justin wouldn't hear it.

I looked at him, and the buzzing stopped, Justin stirred but still went back to sleep. I sighed, and un-locked my phone. I looked at it, and my calendar went off. 'MYY Sexy boys birthday' I smiled. And locked my phone. Justin was on his back now, and I smiled and walked over and sat on his bare chest. He groaned. "Happy Birthday"I whispered in his ear. He slowly opened his eyes, "Well this is a wonderful present"Woah....Jesus, I think he just killed me.

His morning voice is so SEXY! Jesus! "Are you trying to kill me babe"I asked. He smirked, "Maybe"He whispered. I rolled my eyes, and he rolled on top of me. I sighed, "I'm not playing this game today Justin"I said. He stuck his lip out like a puppy, "But I want too"He whispered against my lips. "I don't"I said. "That's my birthday surprise"He gave me a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. "Bye Justin"I said walking out. "No! Wait!"Justin said running after me. "Can I at least have a kiss"Justin smiled. I shrugged. "Maybe if you're lucky"I sighed. "I'm just very busy today, I-" "Oh shut up"Justin said and pulled me back into the room. He slammed the door shut, "JUSTIN!"Someone screamed.

I got confused, but Justin shrugged and he pressed his soft plump lips on mine. He picked me up and held my butt tightly, he started sucking on my neck. "Justin"I whispered. "Shh"He said. I sighed, and he traveled up my neck. My hands were sweating, he's getting to my 'sweet' spot. He stopped right before it. He's teasing me, he knows were it is. I could feel him literally smirk against my skin. He moved up slowly, and carefully. I let out a moan, and he smirked and began sucking on that spot.

His smooth lips finally met mine again, and he licked my bottom lip. I didn't want to let him in that easy, so I just kept kissing him. He moved his hands down the side of my body, to my short shorts. He let his hands just sit on my butt, I started to pull away put he squeezed my butt. I gasped. And he shoved his tongue in my mouth. Our tongue's wrestled until his won, like always.

I broke apart and we wined, "That was a great warmup babe, can't wait for the real action"He winked. I rolled my eyes, "You're a great kisser babe"He said. I rolled my eyes, "Oh for you, I would have done what ever"He sung. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Joanna?"Someone asked again. "Oh! That's Sel"I said. He smiled and I opened the door and ran downstairs. "Hi"I said. She smiled, "Hey, why don't you go get changed and we will go to the mall"She said. Justin came downstairs, "Again?"He asked. I nodded and stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. I walked upstairs and grabbed white jeans with a black top and I walked into Justin and I's closet.

I pulled out a pair of black flats and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I looked over myself one last time and grabbed my phone. I grabbed some money, you see we aren't actually going to the mall. We're going to get Justin's present, and setting up some things for his birthday. I smiled and turned off the lights and walked downstairs.

"Ready to g-" I stopped. I thought Justin liked me, we went out on an actual date, and he said he loved me? Right? Wrong.

"Joanna"Justin said. I stood there in shock, Selena smirked. "Justin's mine. And he always will be, you're so gullable, actually thought we could be friends"She hissed. I growled. "You place your lips one more fucking time on him"I stopped. "That ugly face of yours will turn into something even uglier, wait that's not possible. You're on the highest number of ugly"I hissed. "You should leave"I hissed. "Now"I snapped. She shrugged. "Justin"She said. He didn't answer..

"Justin?"I asked looking at him.

"Joanna, I think you need to cool down"He said.


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