Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen.

"W-What?"I asked. He smiled. "I want to take you on a date"He said and grabbed my hand. "I've wanted to for a while"Justin said. I was so shocked, I didn't even respond. He wants to go on a date..with me. Is this a joke? I couldn't answer and Justin started to get nervous. He looked worried, "O-Oh"I said. He chuckled. I smiled and nodded. He smiled and hugged me. "Awesome"he said and ran out the door. "Where are you going?"I asked. "No where. I'll be back later!"He said. He came back in, "Be ready by 8:00"He said. I nodded and looked at my phone. It was 12:00, "Joanna!" Caitlin screamed. "Let's go!"She said. I grabbed my phone and quickly ran downstairs, and she was dressed and she smiled. Christian and Justin already left I'm guessing because they aren't here.

Caitlin smiled and we got into her car, "We have to wait for Selena"she said. I nodded. And someone tapped on the window, I screamed and put my hand on my chest. She giggled and Caitlin un-locked the car. Selena got in the back, "I should have been expecting that"I said. Selena laughed and Caitlin nodded backing out of the driveway.

We got to the mall, "So I here Justin asked you out"Selena nudged me. "Who told you that?"I asked. "Oh, well I thought he did because he came running out of the house all smiley with Christian"She said. I shrugged and we walked into Forever 21.

I came out three bags, but nothing to fancy. "Where to now"Selena asked. I shrugged. "I don't care"I said. "Let's go to Hollister"Caitlin said. I nodded and we walked to Hollister.

We finally got home, I got a new jeans and shirt to wear tonight. It's winter. It's freezing, I'm not wearing a dress in the winter.

"It's 7:00!"Caitlin said. "What?!"Selena screamed. "How were we there for that long?!"Selena asked. Caitlin ignored her, and they pushed me up the stairs. "GO!"Selena screamed. "Faster!"She said. I ran into my room, and Selena turned on the curling iron and Caitlin picked out my outfit. I guess I'm not wearing what I wanted to pick out. Awesome.

An hour later, my hair was curled and I was wearing this. I smiled, and hugged Selena. Then, I hugged Caitlin. "Thanks guys"I said. They smiled and nodded. "Phone"Selena asked. I nodded. "Purse"Caitlin said. I nodded. "Lip gloss?"Selena asked. I nodded and showed it to her. They looked at each other and smiled.

"You're ready"

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