Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

I swallowed the bump in my throat scared of what was going to happen. Justin didn't say anything, he just stood there, shocked of what he said himself. Their stood a smirking Selena, behind a confused looking Justin. "What"I repeated. "Face it dolly"Selena said. "I'll always have Justin, and he'll always have me. We're inseparable, he wants me and-" I didn't even let her finish before I sprinted out of the house. I opened the door, and slammed the door shut running to my car. I wiped the tears away from my eyes, as I started the car. I buckled my seat belt, and backed out of the driveway.

I think I knew where I was going, but I wasn't sure if I should go to that place, or my moms.

I pulled into the familiar white house with the green doors. I got out, and locked my car. I walked up to the porch, everything still looked the same. I rang the doorbell, and I heard some footsteps and then the door opened. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket again, for the fifth time. I ignored it, and the same smell ran through my nose, I blinked a couple of times. "Ryan"I said and sniffed. "Hey. Joanna what are you-" "What's wrong"He asked immediately forgetting the other question. "S-Selena"I said. He let me in, and closed the door.

He walked me upstairs to his room, and shut his door. "What happened"He asked again. I explained the whole thing, crying even more in the process. "He's mine!"I cried. Ryan nodded and wrapped his arms around me, just letting me cry in his shoulder. I felt my phone vibrate again, I sighed and let go of Ryan and grabbed my phone.

I un-locked my phone and saw I had five new messages all from Justin.

'Where did you go?'
'Babe, I know you're mad, but just please text me back so I know you're safe'

I sighed and closed my eyes. Ryan grabbed my phone from me and lifted it to his ear. "Joanna! Are you-" "You hurt her Justin"Ryan hissed. "Ryan?! What the hell are you doing on Joanna's phone!?"Justin asked through the phone. "She came to me, crying because of this fucking little incident with Selena"Ryan said. "Let me talk to-" "I don't want you saying anything to her, get your act together before you talk to her"Ryan hissed. "That's not your choice Ryan"Justin said. "She was mine, and we're still friends. If you treat her badly one more time, you will have one less friend"Ryan spat.

"Have you paid attention lately bro? Because she's mine. And she always will be, she's stuck with me forever whether you guys like it or not. Just give Joanna the god damn phone!"Justin hissed. Ryan sighed, and looked at me.

"Don't fight with him"I whispered. He shook his head, and handed me the phone. I sighed and managed to choke out a hello. "Joanna! Look, please baby. I know you're mad, but please listen to me. I didn't kiss Selena, she kissed me"Justin said. "Save your excuses for someone who actually cares Justin"I said. He sighed through the phone, "I promise you Joanna"Justin said. "You're a dirty lying cheater, how can I trust you with that Justin"I asked. The line stayed quiet, he didn't know what to say. "Just leave me alone Justin"I said. "Not until you know the truth Joanna"Justin said.

I sighed, "I really don't want to listen to your lies Justin, because obviously your side of the story isn't true"I hissed. "Joanna, please I-" I became furious with him, and pressed the 'end' button. I growled, and looked up. Ryan weakly smiled and held out his hand. "Let's go"He said. "Where"I asked ignoring his hand. He shrugged it off, "Somewhere, let's just go somewhere"Ryan said. I sighed and nodded.

Ryan opened his front door, and Justin was standing there just about to ring the doorbell. "Justin, what are you doing here"Ryan said. He ignored him, "Joanna listen to me"Justin said. I sighed walking passed him. He grabbed my wrist in the process, "Joanna give me five minutes"Justin said. I sighed. "Two"I said. Justin looked at Ryan, who sighed and walked into my car. "Listen to me don't talk until the end so I can get this over with"Justin said. I sighed, and let him talk. "I promise you, that wasn't a lie. I always keep my promises, I have never broken a promise once."Justin said. "I wouldn't do that to you. Selena kissed me, and I didn't mean to kiss her back. I swear. She's not important to me anymore"Justin said. "You are"He said and gave me that smile that made me go weak in the knees.

"So prettier than all the rest the star of my show, so many times I wish you'd be the one for me. But never knew it get like this girl what you do to me"I knew he was saying one of his songs. But I couldn't quite put my finger on it. "You're who I'm thinkin' of, girl you aint my runner up. And no matter what..."Justin said. He took a breath and looked into my eyes.

"You're always number one"Justin said. I sighed and looked him in the eyes. I closed my eyes, and thought for a second. "Justin"I said opening my eyes. "Give me time to think, I'll let you know in a week"I said. His face seemed to grow pale, and he didn't look to well. "Bye Justin"I said walking away from him. I walked into my car, leaving Justin there speechless. I buckled up and Ryan pulled out of the driveway. I was just passing Ryan's house, and I saw Justin turn around with tears in his eyes.

That's when I knew I made the wrong decision, Justin really does love me.

And I do too.

I want my baby back.

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