Chapter 3

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Chapter Three.

I woke up to someone shaking me, I opened my eyes slowly and Justin was looking straight at me. "Our moms need to talk to us"He said. I nodded and got up. "Get out"I said. "What?"He asked. "I said get out"I said. "I'm going to see you change in the future-" I pushed him out of the door. And i heard him laugh. I changed into dark jeans and a shirt from Victoria Secret and put my hair up in a pony tail. I shut my light off and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"Well..."My mom said. "We bought you two a house!"Pattie said. I looked at Justin. "You two will live there"My mom said. "What about when Justin's on tour. What about Selena?"I asked. "Justin already broke up with her"Pattie said. I looked at him, and my phone buzzed. I looked at it and it was from an unknown number.

'You're dead'

My eyes widened, and stuff my phone in my pocket. "Who was that"My mom asked. "J-Just a friend"I said. I got up and walked into the kitchen. Who was that? What did they want? I grabbed a water and leaned against the island. I reached in my back pocket, and my phone wasn't there. I put my water bottle down and walked back into the Living Room. I saw Justin looked through his phone then my phone. I snatched it from him, "Snoop much"I asked. "That was Selena"He said. "She found out some how"Justin said. My phone vibrated again.

'And, guess what Joanna. Ryan Butler. Remember him? He's mine now'

I put my hand over my mouth, I felt tears in my eyes so I just closed my eyes. My phone was ripped out of my hands, and Justin growled. He pulled me out of the house and we got into his Range Rover. "Where are we going"I said. "You'll see"He barked.

I looked out the window and saw the rain drops sliding down the window. It reminded me over my tears. I wiped them away as I saw Ryan's house. "No! I can't come here!"I said. "He hates me!"I said as Justin pulled into his driveway. "I'm not going in"I said. "Yes you are"Justin said. "You are going in wether you like it or not"Justin said. I sighed and stood still. Justin pulled his hood up, and walked over to my side. He opened my door and picked me up. "Put me down!"I snapped. Justin ignored me and walked onto Ryan's porch. The door opened as we got there.

"Justin"Ryan said. I turned around and saw Ryan starring at me. "Hi"He said. "Hi"I whispered. "Come in"Ryan said. Justin and I walked in, as soon as I walked in. Ryan's smell hit my nose. I loved how he smelt. It almost made me cry again, because of the memories. But I took a breath and they went away.

"What's up?"Ryan asked. Justin took my phone from me and handed Ryan the phone. I heard Ryan lightly growl. He looked up, "One. That's not true. I don't even know who this is. And I'm pretty sure I'm not dating anyone"Ryan said. I looked down. Fuck You Mother. "Who is it?"He asked. "Selena"Justin said. Ryan jumped up. "Selena thinks I'm dating her?"He asked. "Ryan!" Someone said. Quiet footsteps were coming down the stairs. "Why are you-" Oh Hi Justin Hi- Joanna?"Ryan's mom said. I smiled. "Hi"I said. She walked over and hugged me. "How are you?"She asked. "I'm good"I lied. I'm not good. I miss your son."How are you"I asked. She smiled and nodded. "Good"She said. I sat down next to Justin on the couch.

"How are things with you and Ryan?"She asked and smiled. I looked down, "Mom"Ryan whispered. "What?"She asked. Justin put his hand on my thigh. "I'm sorry"He said. "We shouldn't have come"He said. I shrugged. "What?"She repeated. Ryan whispered something to her and she scowled at him. "You idiot"She said and sat down on the other side of me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know"She said. I shrugged. "It's okay"I said and smiled.

Things will turn out better soon. Right?

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