Chapter 2

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Chapter Two.

My phone vibrate again. 'Babe?' 'Sorry...I just found out something. That's really important. Can you come over? We need to talk'I responded. He responded before I could take another step. 'Sure babe. I'll be over in a sec' I smiled I feel like Ryan and my friends are the only ones that care about me. 'Thanks' I clicked sent and I put my hair into a high pony tail and the doorbell rang.

I was half way down the stairs, trying not to trip and fall. "Hi Ryan. Come on in"My mom said. I raced down the rest of the stairs and Ryan smiled. Justin got up, "Hey buddy!"He said. I looked at Justin weird and Ryan smiled. "Bro. I haven't seen you in forever"He said and bro hugged Justin. I looked at my mom weird and she shrugged. Ryan smiled and walked over. "Hey babe"He said and pecked my lips. Justin looked at us weird, "Wait. This you your Ryan?"Justin asked. I nodded. "That was the Ryan you were talking about?"I asked. "Well isn't it a small world"Ryan said and put his arm around me.

Justin looked scared, like he looked like he'd just seen a ghost. "What's wrong buddy?"Ryan asked. Justin looked at me, "Let's go in the basement"I said. I nodded and walked down the stairs to my basement.

I sat on one of the chairs away from Ryan and Justin. This is going to end badly.

"Ryan..."I said. "What's up babe?"He asked. "I-I-" I stopped and Justin must have caught the idea because he became quiet too. "You know how my mom controls everything"I said. Ryan nodded. "She just told me-"Wait"Ryan said. "How do you two know each other?"Ryan asked. "This all wraps together"Justin said. I nodded and so did Ryan. "Keep going"He said. "My mom just told me I'm getting married"I said. Ryan's eyes went wide, "Now?"He asked. "That's not even important"Ryan said. "To who?"He growled. I looked at Justin and he was at the ground. Ryan growled and got up. "You proposed to my girlfriend"Ryan hissed. "You were cheating on me?"He asked. "No! No!"I ran to Ryan. More like sprinted. "My mom and his mom were-"Ryan shook his head and walked towards the stairs. "Ryan! Please wait!"I said. He stopped and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

He took a shaky breath. "Where done"He managed to get out. My eyes went wide and he walked up the stairs, and shut the door. "Ryan! Ryan wait!"Justin said running after him. I heard the door open again, I let my tears out. It's all my mom's fault! I loved Ryan! And she makes me dump him for Justin! I hate my life! I let out a sob and someone rubbed my back. "I'm really sorry honey"My mom said. I shook my head and looked at her, mascara running. "Ryan broke up with me"I choked out. Her eyes went wide, "All because of this"I cried. She stood quiet and let me sob into her chest. "I'm so sorry"She whispered. "I-I didn't know he meant so much to you"She said. "I said it a billion times"I said. "You just choose not to listen"I said. "No! No! Honey. Listen, I haven't been acting like a good parent lately. I'll be a better one"She said.

"I'm so sorry"She said and hugged me. "I'm so sorry"She whispered.


*Justin's P.O.V*

"Bro listen to me"I said. "I don't need to! You're getting married to my girlfriend!"He snapped. "It's not my choice!"I said. "Don't you fucking lie to me"Ryan hissed. "Fine. If you don't believe me"I said. "Mom!"I said. She opened Joanna's door and walked out. "Yes?"She asked. "Tell Ryan about the story you just told me"I said.

Ryan's eyes got wide, "Oh My God"He whispered. "I'm-I'm"He couldn't seem to find the words. My mom walked back inside. "I'm such a dick"He said. "I'm sorry Justin. I-I didn't know"He said. I nodded. "It's okay. But I don't think I'm the one you need to apologize too"I said. He nodded. "Should I text her?"He asked. I shook my head. "Wait until tomorrow. I think that's best"I said. He nodded and walked back to his car. "Thanks bro"He said. I nodded and took a big breath.

Our Arranged Marriage(Justin Bieber Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang